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I was in the infirmary for a week. Brandon was with me the whole time. My dad came and visited, but my mom never did, I didn't expect her to.

I've had to get used to crutches and frankly it sucks. But its not a total loss, I got to try and race people on them to see how fast I could go. It usually ended in me falling.

I walk down to the jail again. This time the guard didn't stop me. "Did you need something Princess?"

"Yes, come with me." He follows me down to the cell holding Aaron and Liam. I'm not stupid enough to go alone, I know for sure they would try something. He opens the door and I go in. They look up at me. Liam's eye is swollen shut still, and a purply blackish blue. Aaron's face is covered in bruises, eye swollen, dried blood on his nose and forehead. Probably even more bruises on his back and stomach from getting his ass kicked. I should thank Brandon for that.

Aaron smiles. "Looks like someone is doing better. Shoulda aimed the gun higher."

"Hello to you too, asshole." I lean against the door. "By the way, don't bother trying anything, or the guard will shoot you."

"If the 2 of us ganged up on you only 1 would go down," Liam points out.

"And I'll beat your head in with my crutch and then he'll shoot the second person," I say matter-of-factly. "Now that that's cleared up, I need information."

"Like we would tell you anything," Aaron rolls his eyes.

"I can offer you the same deal I offered the shooter. I can get you out of being sentenced to death."

Liam thinks it over. Aaron looks at him. "Don't you dare even think about it!"

"I'm not ready to die, man," Liam backs away, they sit on oppisite sides, chained so they don't try anything.

"You will if you tell her anything! And you'd still spend your life in jail," Aaron's eyes are menacing and warning.

Liam cowers away. For some reason all the Rebels are scared of Aaron. Liam thinks over my offer. Aaron gets ready to jump at him. "War!" Liam blurts out and jumps back.

Aaron lunges at him. "Traitor!" The chains restrict him.

"Enough!" I go over to Liam then look at the guard. "Take him to his own cell." The guard nods and pulls him up. I look over at Aaron.

He glares. "That's okay. The Rebels will get me out of here. And if not it doesn't matter, they know their jobs and the plans. You'll end up dead one way or another. Along with Brandon and anyone else who gets in the way. He probably wont though. Once he gets with you, he'll drop you like all the rest. Your nothing, worthless! Your mom and dad don't even care about you! Your alone. And a dead woman."

At first I feel tears rise. But I don't let them fall. Its about time I give him a taste of his own medicine. I laugh and smile. "You just don't give up. God, your such a failure, your mom must be so proud. Oh wait that's don't have one. You haven't gotten me no matter how many attempts, so give up honey, because you'll always fail. Your the one that's nothing. Your just a waste of a human body. And look at where I am and where you are right now. Your the real dead man." His face fills with so much hatred and the look in his eyes is like venom. I smile and turn to leave. I wont let him push me around and do that to me anymore.

I close the door and lock it as he screams names, words, sentences, with more hatred than anyone. But I don't care. Because I won that, and he will not torment me anymore.

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