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I go down to the jail cells. One of the guards steps in front of me and brings me to a holt. "Princess, your not supposed to be here."

"I need to speak to the shooter about important business. If you tell anyone you'll be gone so fast you wont remember what happened, got it?"

He nods nervously and steps aside. I walk down the hall to his cell. I hesitently open it and step inside. "You. Up. Now."

The shooter looks up at me and glares. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Were you the person working undercover that let Aaron in?"

He laughs. "Man you people are so clueless."

"Listen here, I suggest you tell me what I wanna know, and maybe odds will work out in your favor. After all, you did try to assassinate the princess. Such crime is punishable by death."

He chuckles. "Then bring it on death."

"I can get you off death row, and let the consequence be imprisonment only. Just tell me what I want to know." I lean down in front of him. He looks interested in the deal. "Glad to know I've peaked your interest. Now tell me. Were you the one working undercover and aided Aaron in sneaking in?"

He sighs. "I'll give you this little piece of information. No I wasn't. You have a traitor amoung you." He smiles. "Clueless little princess. If you were smart you would know better than to have come alone." He lunges for me, trying to wrap the chains around my throat to choke me. I jump out of the way and knee him in his manhood.

"Try that again, and your going to loose those parts you cherish so much. Now. Tell me who the traitor is."

"Why should I? You royals are all the same. You say I'll get something in return for information, but we all know its a lie. Doesn't matter what will happen to me. One person goes down, another one rises."

"And they will go down just the same."

He laughs again. "You're a fool for thinking that. First its going to be your little bodyguard, always getting in the way. Then it'll be you. And if we choose to, your parents after. Don't you see? Anyone you get close to is going to end up like you, dead!" He laughs again. "Don't worry we'll make sure their dead before you. Let yourself live with the pain and guilt, knowing your the reason their all gone!"

"Your all foolish for thinking so. Your widely outnumbered. You wouldn't stand a chance."

He smiles meniacally. "You underestimate the Rebellion."

"You underestimate the Royals."

He smiles. "Maybe so. But when everyone you've ever loved and cared about is screaming in agony, driving you mad, and then comes your time when your begging for the end to come, you wont underestimate us anymore."

Standing abruptly, I turn to leave. As soon as I'm out I sigh. I kept my cool in there. But really I was scared and freaking out on the inside. I leave the jail in silence.


I was eating in the kitchen but all I could think about was what the shooter said. I mostly just stared at my plate, moving around the food with my fork, thinking. Not much of an appetite after the conversation.

"A friend of mine, a guard, mentioned how you visited the jail today. Why did you go see the shooter in the jail after I said not to??" Brandon leans on the table beside me.

I look up at him. He's mad. Great. "Damnit I told him not to tell anyone.." I put my fork down. "I went because I had to find out some information."

"It was dangerous! Are you crazy or just stupid? I strictly told you not to."

I stand abruptly. "You know what? You do not tell me what to do! Frankly I'm the boss of you and I tell you what to do. I can do what I want. You do not control me!"

His nostrils flaee and he takes a dangerous step closer. His voice is low, almost chilling. "When it comes to your safety and keeping you from doing something stupid, its my job to keep you safe!"

My blood boils with anger. "No its not right now, someone else is doing your job for you! So its not your job to keep me safe."

"Why do you have to be so damn difficult all the time!?"

"Because I have to deal with you!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't have to anymore." His eyes turn cold as they narrow at me.

My voice turns quiet and my gaze falls to the ground. "Maybe I shouldn't." I have nothing left to say. So I walk away and that's that. I'm so mad I can't even think straight. Maybe it is time for a change.

I was walking down the hall. A hand grips my arm and jerks me in a room. I let out a scream and start throwing punches. The closet door shuts behind us. "Hello, love." I scream again as Aaron clamps his hand over my mouth. My eyes start to water. "Aw are you going to cry? I'd like it if you cry, maybe I'll go easy on you...or not." He slams my back in the wall. I bite down hard on his hand, elbow him in the throat, then kick him in his bullet wound. Breaking free of his grasp, I open the door and take off running down the hall.

"Help!" Arms encircle my waist and tackle me to the floor.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again." He straddles my waist. "Now your coming with me."

"Brandon! Someone help!" I cry out and he holds his gun to my head. The stitches on the side of my forehead re-opened and blood drips down onto the floor. I try and get up and get away, he grabs me by my necklace, breaking it and jerking me back. It crashes to the floor beside me.

"Get up. And don't say a word." He stands me up, pushing me out the door.

My eyes narrow in a death glare. "If your going to kill me, get it over with already."

He smiles and chuckles. "Oh no, I've got better plans for you."

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