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-Elena's P.O.V.

I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was already doing it. The pain meds kick in so when I straddle his waist, my leg doesn't hurt that bad. At first he doesn't kiss me back. I was about to get off when his hands rests on my waist and pulls me closer. Our lips are like fire as we kiss. I'm not one for believing in fireworks or sparks when people kiss, but I definently feel them. Our lips move in perfect syncronization. He rests one hand on the back of my neck, and the other on my back. My skin feels like fire from his touch. I wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss deepens and he waits for my lips to part and his tongue meets with mine, doing what's like a dance. I've never kissed anyone like this before. Its perfect, its amazing.

He moves my hair and leaves a burning trail of kisses down my neck and I bite my bottom lip, enjoying every second. He nips it lightly and smiles against my skin. A little moan escapes my lips. His lips leave my neck and go back to my mouth. The kiss is full of passion, hunger, and need. I gladly match his need with mine. I run my fingers through his hair, lightly tugging on it while we kiss.

The door opens and we pull away from each other. I look up to see the doctor, biting my bottom lip nervously. Fuck you Doc, ruined the moment. He looks extremely uncomfortable. "Um..I guess your feeling better.." I hide my now bright red blushing face in Brandon's neck, smiling to myself. "Anywho, you lost a lot of blood so you may be feeling tired and weak for awhile, although from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like it. When you get released you'll be needing crutches for a little while, and you'll need to keep your wounds clean. So far your wounds seem to be healing well. But you need to take it easy, don't over-do it, both of you, don't over-do it." I immedietly get what he means and blush worse.

"Got it Doc."

He nods. "Behave you two." He turns and leaves, shutting the door behind him.

Brandon bursts into laughter, and soon enough I join in. I pull my face back out of his neck and smiles. He rests his hand on my cheek and looks up at me. "That was amazing.." I smile and blush a little. He leans up and kisses me softly, and slowly and I kiss him back.

When we pull back I lean my forehead on his. "I have a feeling its going to be hard to behave.."

"Yeah. Really hard.." He lifts me up and lays me back down on the bed and scoots me over so he can lay down next to me.

I look over at him. "Are you sure you want to be with me? Or do you even want to be with me?"

"I've wanted to since we were kids." He smiles down at me.

"But..that's the thing you may want to now but once you are you may not want to anymore..and you know I have to get married in a few months and you said it yourself your not the marriage type, and then we'd have to break up and then what?"

"Elena..I'd do anything for you. And if it comes to marriage then it comes to marriage, okay? Don't worry about those things right now. All that matters is what's happening now."

I smile and nod. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. He wraps his arm around me amd I fall asleep.


-Brandon's P.O.V.

I was shocked when she kissed me. It took me a little bit before I started to kiss back. It was the most amazing kiss. I never believed in fireworks but I'll admit, its all I felt. It was like fire when our skin touched. I kissed her neck and thats when I heard the most amazing sound ever. She moaned lightly and it damn near drove me crazy. My lips left her neck and crashed into her mouth, kissing her with as much passion as I could muster.

But the moment was ruined by the doctor. I wanted to shove him out the door and go back to kissing her. She was blushing so badly that she hid her face in my neck, it was so cute.

I always did like her, since we were kids. Now I finally got to kiss her, and I never want to stop.

She brought up the marriage thing though, I'll admit it made me nervous. I don't know if I'm ready for something like that, but I know that if I want to be with her, its either marriage in a few months, or no being together.

I'd do anything for her. Hell, I've taken bullets for her. Anything that'll make her happy, just to see her smile, I'll do it.

Laying with her, arms around her, I can't think of anything better. Well I could think of something better..I'm a hormonal guy, don't judge me.

She falls asleep on me and I can't help but find it adorable. She's so quiet and she looks so beautiful..

Yep, I'd definently do anything for her. No questions asked. She's absolutely perfect in every way, or at least to me she is.

She's tired so I'm glad she's finally getting some sleep. She hasn't been sleeping well lately, barely at all. I know she's been scared. I plan on staying with her every night here so she wont be. I smile a little to myself.

Soon enough my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep with her, with a smile on my face.

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