Update: Upload Schedule

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Hi guys,

As you may have noticed, my current uploads are a little shorter than usual. This has been a choice that I have made over the last week or so. As we are all aware, we are currently facing a global pandemic which is likely to leave a lot of people in self-isolation/quarantine. This is likely to be a very boring, tedious time for everyone involved, and I have decided to make shorter, but more regular posts in order to help fill some of that time. I have already seen a spike in the amount of reads I have received in the last fortnight, and am hoping to keep putting out as much content as possible to keep you all entertained.

If any of you are currently in quarantine and need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me. I'm always down for a friendly chat about anything and everything and would be happy to help you pass some of the more boring times.

At the moment, the UK is not in a formal lockdown, and as such, I am still attending work as usual. To those of you in similar positions, please try and keep down contact outside of what is necessary and make sure to wash your hands regularly to avoid contracting the virus. Stay healthy and try and keep yourself in a positive mindset.

Please consider supporting me for just £3 using Ko-Fi. The link is available on my profile page. If you have any questions about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me.

As always, thank you all for your support.

L x

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