Young!Robert Baratheon X Reader - Lithium

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Lithium' by Evanescence. I hope you all enjoy it.

There had always been a part of you that had known that being married to a King would be difficult. When you were young, your skin had been thicker. You could take the criticisms of the court with ease, and even your husband's unique ability to hold you at a distance hadn't quite been bale to knock the wind from your sails.  Any time something would bother you, you would bounce back just as quickly. But as you had gotten older it had become harder. 

As each of your three sisters had come of age, they had married and left the capital. Your father had quickly returned home after that, back to your mothers side. You had always thought them lucky. A marriage forged in love and respect was hard to come by in Westeros, but they had managed it, and now you couldn't help but envy them for it. 

Robert was much less caring than your father. He could be one of the most personable people when he was with his friends. Seven Hells, he took to a celebration like a fish to water. But when it came to you he was cold. He hadn't wanted to marry you. He hadn't wanted to marry at all after Lyanna was gone. But a King needed his heirs, and you father had been a keen supporter throughout the rebellion. It was only right that he would bind your houses somehow. 

When you had been told that you would become Queen you had been ecstatic. You'd only met him a few times, but Robert had been fun on those rare occasions. Loud and boisterous, but kind. And there was never a doubt in your mind that you found him attractive. 

The wedding came and went quickly, and you soon realised that royal life wasn't all it was made out to be. When you were in public, Robert would keep you close to his side, but wouldn't say a word to you all night. You were a decoration, a part of his outfit that was expected to remain silent and pretty. You had fallen into the role all to quickly, smiling your way through evenings of drinking and politics, and quietly resenting the life you would have to grow used to. 

When he would come to your chambers, you resented him even more. He would bed you quickly, with no care for your enjoyment. His time with you was to get your pregnant, and neither of you were ever in doubt of that. There was no romance, no sweetness. Hells, he never even kissed you. As soon as you were with child he would stop visiting at night, and suddenly you would miss it. Anything would be better than spending your nights alone.

The first time he ever showed any affection towards you was when your son was born. You were sitting up in your bed, with your new born cuddled close to your chest when a knock had come on your chamber doors. You had glanced up when it creaked open slightly, expecting the maester or your ladies maids, but you were shocked to find your husband's head poking around the gap in the door.

"Can I come in?" 

You nodded slightly, shifting the baby into a better position in your arm as he made his way closer to you, hovering at the side of the bed. "You got your boy," you murmured, your finger shifting to brush lightly over your son's cheek. "The maester says he's strong," you added, glancing up at your husband for just a moment before returning your gaze to the child in front of you. 

"What will you name him?" You felt the bed dip as he perched beside you, leaning forward to smile down at the boy in your arms. 

"I haven't a clue," you started, a startled chuckle dripping from your lips. "I assumed you would want some say in that." 

Robert nodded, his hand shifting to brush over your spine. "There's no rush. We should just enjoy him for now," he told you, his other hand reaching out to touch his son's. "You did wonderfully," he added, pressing a kiss to the side of your head that left you a little lost. 

You both sat quietly for a moment, listening to the soft snores that left your son's lips. "Do you want to hold him?" Your voice broke the silence, and you felt Robert stiffen beside you, his entire body tense.

"He looks comfortable where he is-"

"He's a baby, he'll barely even notice the difference," you corrected softly, shifting to face him a little better. "You just have to make sure you're supporting his neck and he'll be fine," you added, offering him a small smile. 

"What if I do it wrong?" 

You reached out with your free hand, taking his. "You won't."

"What if I end up hurting him? or-" he paused for a second, as if wracking his brains "-or dropping him?" 

"You won't. I promise you that I won't let that happen," you told him, releasing his hand to shift the baby in your grip. Robert nodded when you finally met his gaze again, allowing you to move his son into his arms. In all honesty, he probably could have held him in one hand if he had wanted to. "See," you murmured with a small smile, as he settled against the pillows a little more comfortably. "He's fine." 

A second later, Robert was cupping your face and drawing you in for a kiss. As he released you, your cheeks were flushed, and your mouth opened as if you were searching for something to say. "I'm going to be better," he told you, his hand taking yours and bringing it up to his lips to press a kiss against your knuckle. You nodded your understanding, shuffling closer to him and tucking yourself under his arm. 

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