Robb Stark X Reader (Modern AU) - This City

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A/N - This chapter is a modern AU based on the song 'This City' by Sam Fischer. I hope you all enjoy it.

Moving away from home had been difficult. No, it would be better described as terrifying. Leaving the only place you had ever known and going off on your own was, hands-down, the scariest thing you had ever done. Of course, it had been exciting too. Starting a life of your own and learning to rely on yourself rather than you parents would be good for you. But soon enough the damp in the corner of your apartment had begun to bother you, and the noise of the main road, just a few steps away from your bedroom window, was beginning to get on your nerves. The independent glow had worn off, and you were left longing for even a morsel of human connection.

You had come home from work this evening absolutely broken. You had barely slept the night before, making finishing touches to a presentation you had been given at the last minute, and then work itself had been a nightmare. Your cubicle-mate Sandy had been nattering away all day about her snotty spoilt brat kids, and someone a couple of desks over had this hacking cough that he hadn't been able to shake all day. Cough. Cough. Cough. All fucking day. And to top it all off, the coffee machine had been broken by one of the idiots in your office. Christ, you were just about ready to collapse onto the sofa and drink an entire bottle of wine. 

As you reached the door, you fished in your handbag, searching for your key. At some point, it would probably be a good idea to clean it out properly. There were loose pieces of gum at the bottom, escapees from the packet, that had been there for well over a month at this point, and receipt from purchases you'd made weeks ago. Hell, it was a mess. As you pulled out your keychain, you felt something change, and watched in horror as the key slipped fully off of its home, clattering out of your grasp and to the ground. It bounced slightly on the stone step, scattering sideways and directly into one of the drains that you knew damn well never worked well enough when rainy whether eventually came along. Fuck.

A shaky breath escaped you, unable to register what exactly had just happened. You wouldn't have been able to recreate it if you had tried. You were on your knees an instant later, peering through the drain cover in the hopes of spotting the key that had completely disappeared underneath the surface of some foul-smelling liquid. 

You sat back, resting on your ass in the middle of the path as tears formed in your eyes. It was just your luck that this would happen to you, and today of all days. It's not like there was anyone you could call. You knew all too well that your spare key was hidden at the bottom of your sock draw, a habit you had picked up from your mother when you were young, and attached to the fob was the number of your landlord. Shit.

Perhaps, you thought, attempting to calm yourself just enough to think rationally, you could call Sandy and stay with her for the night. Of course, her kids would be there and you wouldn't be able to go five minutes without being battered with questions. The last time you'd given in and gone to dinner her kids had pestered you about everything, from your accent to why you didn't have a boyfriend yet. No. You would not be staying at Sandy's. You would rather sleep in one of the bushes in the garden than being in the vicinity of those little monsters for a full night. 

You were almost ready to give up thinking logically and do just that when you heard someone clear their throat above you. You jumped slightly, quickly turning to look up at one of the most attractive men you had ever seen.

"Hey," he started, his brow furrowing when he saw the tears gathered under your eyes. "Are you alright?" 

You nodded, clambering to your feet as gracefully as you could managed and sniffling away the last of your tears. "My key went down the drain," you muttered, your voice still thicker than usually as you cleared your throat. "I don't have the landlord's number," you added, a little softer that time, watching as he smiled at you.

"Okay," he murmured, reaching into his pocket. "Do you want me to let you in?" A soft sigh escaped you as you nodded again. He held up his key triumphantly, giving you a toothy grin as he stepped past you to open the door. Once it was open, he stepped back, holding it open for you. "After you."

You gathered your bag off of the floor, snatching up the rest of the keychain and fiddling through until you found the one you would need to get into your apartment. "Thank you," you started softly, giving him a small smile as he followed you into the building. 

"Your welcome." You paused for a moment, watching him as you leant against the wall of the hallway. 

"I'm Y/N, I live in apartment four."

"No way, I live in five," he exclaimed softly. "I'm Robb."

You nodded. "You're the one with the super pretty girlfriend, right?"

Robb's brows furrowed for a moment. "I don't have a girlfriend," he uttered, watching as your brows knitted together in concentration.

"You sure? Really pretty red head? I see her in the halls all the time." 

A snort of laughter broke out of Robb as he quickly shook my head. "That's Sansa; she's my sister."


"Yeah, she stays over whenever our parents get on her nerves... which is far more often that I would probably like."

You chuckled slightly, allowing a soft quiet to fall between you. In all honesty, you didn't want to go into your apartment yet. This was the first time in months that you felt like you were actually connecting with someone, and you wanted it to last for as long as possible. 

"She's actually on her way over now, we were going to watch a movie if you wanted to join us."

Your mouth opened and closed for a moment, searching for an answer. "I shouldn't interrupt you guys-"

"Please," he murmured. "You'd be doing me a favour. All she ever talks about is her shit-head boyfriend and I need proper conversation for once."

You swallowed and gave a short nod. "Let me go change and I'll be right over." 

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