Jon Snow X Reader - Whatever Will Be, Will Be: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: Kaitlynnc6. I was listening to the song 'Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)' by Doris Day as I wrote this imagine. I really love this song and the message the comes with it. I hope you all enjoy it.

Music had always played a large part in your life. From the moment you were first able to make sounds you were singing with your mother, even when you were too small to understand the words. As you grew older, your voice had only grown stronger, and the lyrics had become something that could be understood by anyone who listened. 

By the time you were seventeen, everyone in Winterfell knew you for your voice. It had started with the snippets they would hear coming from your rooms above the tavern your father owned, but when he had noticed people listening he had realised the potential of your gift. Soon enough, he had you performing in the tavern, bringing in more customers in a night than you usually would have had in a week. 

You would perch up on the bar, singing along to whatever music your mother could manage to conjure up. Sometimes, one of the boys from the village would bring in his guitar and strum a tune for you to accompany, and you would merrily sing along. It seemed that something in your voice brought a sense of peace to those who listened, and you were happy to see such joy in the faces of the patrons. 

One evening, as you were performing, the door had opened. You could hear the creak of it throughout the room, but it seemed you were all a little too caught up in the excitement to bother seeing who had entered. It wasn't until you'd finished singing that you noticed the trio of young men who had approached the bar, all staring at you with wide eyes.

"Boys," your father called out, his hand coming to land on your shoulder as he smiled at them, drawing their attention away from you. "You haven't been down in months," he continued as he poured their drinks.

"These two sticks-in-the-mud didn't fancy it," the first boy uttered, his eyes returning to you for just a second before landing back on your father. "If I'd known the entertainment would be so good, I would have been down weeks ago."

The look your father fixed him with as he returned with the drinks silenced the boy. "This here is my daughter, Y/N. She has a real gift."

The first boy snorted. "You can say that again. Theon Greyjoy," he started, reaching his hand out to you. You stared at it for a moment, not offering your own hand back.

"It's a pleasure," you murmured, slipping back behind the bar and grabbing your own drink. You would have avoided the boys all evening if it was your choice, but people had come to see you, and you would be expected to perform more songs throughout the night. "Are your friends mutes?" you continued, still standing a few feet away from them all.

Theon snorted, glancing over at his friends. "They aren't so used to meeting pretty girls," he corrected. "It seems you've rendered them speechless."

You sent him a faux smile. "I'm flattered."

"I'm Robb," one of the other boys finally uttered, a sweet smile fixed on his lips. "This is Jon." Your eyes landed on the final of the three boys, and your smile faded slightly. He really was something to look at. Dark, curly hair and handsome features. If he were anyone else you might have spent all night staring.

You gave a short nod. "Wonderful. I hope you don't mind, but I really do have to go back to work." You were gone an instant later, moving past them to hop back up onto the bar. 

Throughout your performance, you could feel all three boys watching you. It shouldn't have bothered you. Plenty of men had watched you sing before, and never had a single one of them made you so nervous before. But Jon seemed different. He made your heart beat faster, and your tongue got all caught up. Seven hells, you almost forgot the lyrics at one point. 

Once you were finished, the crowd cheered, as usual. But your eyes landed on the boys again, or more specifically, on one boy. Your slid off of the bar, moving to sit beside them. 

"So, what did you think?" you murmured, your eyes fixed on Jon. 

He nodded slightly, attempting to find the words to use. "It was good."

"Good?" Theon interrupted, leaning forward to get a good look at you. "It was incredible," he added, and you released a small chuckle as you glanced over at him. Clearly, he was not used to having Jon receive so much attention. 

"No, I think Jon is right." You paused for a moment, returning your attention to him. "It definitely wasn't my best performance," you added softly.

Jon suddenly looked quite horrified at your comment. "I didn't mean that you weren't-"

A snort of laughter escaped you, and you shook your head, reaching out to pat his hand lightly. "I'm teasing you," you told him, watching as he nodded slightly. "You ought to come down again some time. I'm sure I can change your review."

"We'd love to," he murmured, bringing a small smile to your lips.

"Maybe don't bring your friends next time. They seem to make you nervous," you said, your smile growing as his cheeks tinged red with blush. "I hope i'll see you again soon, Jon." With that you were on your feet again, heading into the back of the tavern.

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