Chapter Twenty Five: I didn't do anything

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Peter laid back on his bed after he finished his food, now he has to wait until the internship. He groaned when he realised he had homework. Unwillingly he sat up on the bottom bed and got his school bag and got to work.

Because he missed Physics he had to do the work other students did during class at home, the teacher was going to grade it next time and he wasn't in the mood to get an F any time soon.

After some minutes passed he noticed something was weird, everything was quiet. There was no talking, no music and the TV was turned off. It was too quiet for his liking so he stood up to investigate.

Standing in the hallway, he realised his brothers weren't in their room or in the living room. He went over to the kitchen, just to be sure. The apartment was completely empty.

Where's Aunt May? He asked himself, realising he hasn't seen her since he came home.

Just then he heard the familiar and warm voice coming from the living room "I thought Tobey and Andrew left you food for when you get back. Did they eat it? I told them-"

Peter chuckled to himself "I already ate, don't worry, I was just checking to see if they were home."

He turned around to see his Aunt putting down bags on the dining table, he wondered what's in it but before he could Aunt May turned to him with a confused look "What happened to your lip?"

"Oh, uh funny story actually, I was eating lunch at school and I just- just cut myself with the, uh, knife... Because I wasn't paying any attention and I was-" He started to mumble and stopped when he heard a long sigh.

His Aunt forced a smile and shook her head "Maybe I should listen to Andrew and stop allowing you near dangerous cutlery."

He shrugged and leaned onto the counter, the bruises on his face were getting less and less visible but if she got any closer she would most likely notice them.

Aunt May started taking out things and putting them on the table, throwing the bags onto the floor "I actually didn't plan on going to the store but the music was playing so loud I couldn't help but leave. Did you see their concert?"

"No way, what concert? Did they actually sing?" Peter felt a smirk coming up, he'd never forget that.

Aunt May nodded her head, not looking up from the table where she started to sort out products by their place in the apartment "Not only singing, you really missed out on a show. It's a shame they stopped once they heard me laughing."

"What were they even singing?" Peter started to get intrigued.

She laughed for a bit before answering "Believe it or not, they were singing cartoon theme songs. The Phineas and Ferb one was the fan favourite."

"That sounds like fun" Peter laughed, imagining the scene in his head.

Without noticing he wondered what character he would be. Perry the platypus? Maybe.

Phineas and Ferb definitely seemed like Andrew and Tobey. He heard a lot of stories of their inventions when they were younger. He unfortunately experienced some of them.

He chuckled at the memories, Aunt May laughing with him. Seeing one of her nephews smile is enough for her to replicate it.

Peter stood in the kitchen in silence before remembering his homework and mentally facepalming himself for forgetting. Now he has even less time.

Without a word he left to his room, getting more and more unmotivated to do his work.


"Will you try and humour me with the answer as to why you didn't get him yet? The guy is a threat. I don't know how many times you went out and returned with nothing-"

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