Chapter 25: Need

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Prince Leonidas

I need more.

One after another, the bodies I latch to fall limp in my grasp. Going through five men has only taken the edge off my thirst. "Bring me the next," I command two wardens from the dungeon, and they usher in the next man before removing the one who has just lost consciousness.

Every muscle is aching with my slightest of movements while my skin itches and stings in the places yet to heal. I don't waste a second before plunging my fangs into this prisoner's neck, allowing his blood to soothe my injuries and stifle my clawing hunger.

This man squirms, interrupting a steady flow of the warm, sweet refreshment, so I growl as I withdraw my fangs from his skin. "I don't want to kill you but know that I will if you continue to resist," I offer warning, hoping he chooses to submit. 

I'm growing weary of losing control of my feeding sessions.

It took Alec a while to act normal around me after the last time he was present for one. Aware of his fear, I can't imagine how Axelia would react if she ever witnessed a similar instance. 

Nodding, the man only stiffens this time as I embed my fangs into his skin. His blood is sweet for a Cadaekin and veins favorably generous. Tuning myself to the sound of his heart, I try to be mindful of how much I'm taking. Enough that he will lose consciousness like the others but recover by tomorrow. He seems to relax just as my mother and Farouk enter my room in the lodge.

She approaches the wooden table where I sit and assess the various wounds marking my skin. Her fingers poke and prod at them before she circles to examine my back. I'm the only vampire in our region with wings. They come forth as a last resort when my life is imperiled.

"How did this come to be?" she asks, referring to the two gashes the near length of my back where my wings tore from my skin. "Wasn't our Army with him?" she directs her question to Farouk. "Were there so many that the knights forgot their duty to guard their future King."

"Yes but he also responded to the situation first," he answers. "Reports are coming in that there were nearly two hundred of them. The beasts were attacking like a colony of ants."

"Leonidas, why would you engage alone? They could have killed you."

I know she asks because she cares but I'm in no mood for her interrogation tonight.

Ignoring her, I bury my fangs deeper into the man's neck in an attempt to drown her out by the sound of his rising pulse.

"Leonidas, we must discuss--"

"My Queen, he hasn't fed since our visit to the palace," Farouk comes to my aide, aware of how close I was to triggering in the presence of the Royal Court. "Perhaps when he has healed--"

"There are more than enough unconscious men outside. He's had plenty to sustain himself for this conversation," she snaps. The prisoner groans as she pries his neck from me and makes Farouk guide him out of the room.

"What?!" I growl at her, furious. I don't care if she gets angered by my yelling. I'm in pain, tired annoyed and starving. "Why can't this wait? I'm--"

"Upset with me," she states rather than questions, diffusing my moment of rage. "Is it because I forbid you to see the Princess?"

Lowering my glare to the floor, I choose to hold my tongue. Walking around the table to face me, she uses a towel to wipe blood from my chin. "That punishment came out of my fear for your life, my Love. I decided out of emotion and for that I apologize," her tone softens as she places her hands on my face to lift my gaze. "If you had obeyed me, Axelia would have died tonight. Her spilt blood is on my hands."

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