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I looked down, shocked, at an unconscious Harry. "Louis! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I grabbed his arm trying to shake some sense into him.

"I just wanted him to feel a bit of the pain I felt, I didn't mean," He trailed off still staring at Harry. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away, calling Niall to help me put Harry onto a bed. Louis watched us silently, guilt evident in his  eyes.

"Do we bring him to a hospital?" Niall asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Don't be silly." I mumbled as I cleaned a bit of the blood around his nose; "He'll be fine." Just as I say this, Harry's eyes began to flutter and he slowly opened them. He blinked,confused,before the pain in his nose brought him back to reality.

"Ow, ah what the fuck Louis?" Harry yelled, quickly getting up and leaning his body against the bed's headboard.

"I'm sorry." Louis mumbled,though, it was barely audible.

"No, seriously what the fuck Louis? Why would you do that?" Harry got up angrily, one hand  pinching the bridge of his nose and the other clenched in a fist.

"I don't know, I was angry."

"I'm also fucking angry, yet do you see me slamming my head into people's fucking faces!"

"Why the fuck are you angry? What do you have to be angry about?" Louis muttered bitterly,Harry was taken aback by this question.

"What do I have to be angry about?" He repeated, "Louis, Simon just fucking died and you're really asking me why I'm angry." Harry's voice cracked as tears welled up in his eyes, Niall and  I looked at each other, we both knew we had to end this before it went too far.

"If he meant so much to you, Harry, why did you leave him?" Louis questioned, Harry threw his head back in frustration and groaned.

"Oh will you give it a rest Louis! I'm tired of hearing those words come out your mouth."

"Guys, stop!" I shouted, silencing them both. " I get it, you're angry. I'm fucking angry, we are all angry. But fighting isn't going to make anything better. We're all here for Simon, we're better than this. Simon deserves better than this. If you know that we're going to spend our entire time here fighting then it's better we pack up and leave now." Harry and Louis looked at each other, it took a while but eventually they went up to each other and shook hands. They laughed and then Louis tackled Harry to the floor;

"I've missed you Hazza!" He screamed stroking Harry's hair. Niall and I shared a mischievous glance before we jumped on them, joining them on the floor. We were all laughing and I'm reminded of the early days of One Direction, when all we had was fun.

"I can't be on this bus for another minute, I'm going crazy!" Niall exclaimed, laying upside down on a chair, his head resting on the floor.

"Well, why don't you go run through some songs?" I suggested without looking up from my Ipad. Niall groaned, ignoring my suggestion, and continued complaining.

"Where's Zayn?" Harry asked  from the other side of the bus , where he was playing X-box with Louis.

"I think he's still sleeping." I said as I put my Ipad on the table and joined them in their game.

"He's always sleeping, at certain points in the day I actually miss him." Harry laughed,  I chuckled along side him. Louis stood up abruptly and Harry paused the game in response.

"Let's prank him!" He exclaimed.

"I second that!" Niall yelled struggling to get out of his previous position.

"I don't think he'll like that. I mean he was up all night trying to get his verse for More Than This right." Harry said with a slight worried tone. Harry and Zayn were close, it was blatantly obvious. Fans and everyone else always speculated that Harry and Louis were the closest in the band but in all honesty that wasn't the case. Zayn was just so quiet when we were out in public, that people often forgot he was there, Harry never did.

"Yeah, Harry is right. Let him have his beauty sleep." I agreed but it was too late, Louis and Niall were already out of sight heading to the bunk beds. Louis, though the oldest, was the most troublesome and always managed to influence Niall to do things with him. However without Louis, One Direction would be boring ,his sass and energy is what got us by everyday.

"Shhh!" Louis whispered as Harry and I approached them to see what they were doing. He had a bucket of water in his hands and Niall stood behind him, laughing, with a phone in his hands. Before Harry or I could stop them, Louis turned the bucket and water poured all over Zayn's sleeping body.

"What the fuck!" Zayn yelled as jumped out of his wet bed. Louis and Niall burst into laughter and I couldn' help but join in as well, Harry stayed silent. Zayn sent us all a glare before storming out of the sleeping area.

"Maybe that wasn't such a good idea." Niall muttered after a while. Harry crossed his arms,

"You think?" He replied sarcastically.

"I hope you don't think that you can just ruin Zayn Malik's beauty sleep and go unpunished?" I heard a voice say behind me, I turn to see Zayn holding a big water gun.

"Zayn, let's think about this logically." Louis exclaimed, holding his hands in the air in surrender. Zayn pretended to be in thought;

"Nah, I'm good!" He yelled before spraying us all down with water. Laughter and Louis' feminine squeals filled the tour bus.

"Let's go out and have dinner together." Niall suggested bringing me back to reality.

"Sounds like a plan." Harry and Louis shouted unanimously, as they got up and brushed the dirt of their clothes.

"I wonder if Zayn is here." Harry said as we all enter the elevator.

"Ha, please no. Imagine all the shit that would happen if he was." Louis laughed, Niall and I shared a knowing glance.

"Yeah, imagine." I responded awkwardly.

A/n: Please vote and leave a comment, I would really appreciate it. I hope you are all enjoying this book, I'm definitely enjoying writing it.

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