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So that was it, One Direction was done. It was no longer just a hiatus,we were over, done, caput. I sat on the bed in a hotel room that was once filled with laughter. Now, all that was left were empty beds and painul memories. "This can't be happening." I mumbled to myself, holding my head in my hands. There wasn't one person too blame for this weekend mishaps. It was a combination of pent up pain and anger coupled with grief that was all let out at the wrong moment. I couldn't imagine what Lauren thought of us now, even little Eric who looked up to us. I groaned, not knowing what to do. I couldn't go home, I mean I could but I didnt't want to. I didn't want to leave here, knowing I didn't do all I could to fix this, to fix us.I sighed sadly, perhaps it was too late. I mean, they were all gone. I was the only one still here. With a heavy heart, I grabbed my suitcase and left the room. But, as I stood in the hallway, I was reminded of Michelle's words;

"Your courage is adorable, to say the least. But stop biting off more than you can chew, you'll never be a hero. You'll always be insignificant, I mean who even remembers you? Harry's got the looks, Zayn's got the voice and my God he's got the looks, Louis has the personality and Liam's got the charisma. You, you're just the one that plays the guitar, the lost puppy trailing after the others. A nobody."

She was right; I wasn't the most handsome,funniest or the most charismatic of the group. I didn't have the best voice but, I wasn't a nobody. I was somebody, somebody who would do all he could in his power to fix this mess. Fair enough, One Direction was done. But, I would not allow all of us to leave, hating each other. We don't know what tomorrow brings and we don't know what day is our last. If Simon's death taught us anything it taught us that it was essential that we just let go of our stupid grudges and remembered how much we cared about each other. With this new found determination, I marched over to Zayn's room, hoping he would still be there. I knocked on his door, nervously fidgeting with my hands.

"Niall?" Zayn queried groggily as he opened the door. By his appearance, I couldn't tell if he had just woken up or had been awake all night. "What are you doing here?"

"They're all gone; Harry,Liam and Louis. They've all gone home." Zayn was silent for a second before putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You should go home too." He adviced, going back into his room.

"I can't, Zayn. I can't just leave. I can't leave knowing we all hate each other, I mean we're brothers." I trailed along behind him. He too, had his suitcase packed and ready to go in the corner of his room.

"Niall, if all of this has proved anything to me, it's proven that we are not brothers. We never were and we never will be." Zayn spoke going into his bathroom and taking his toiletries.

"You don't mean that." I choked. He sighed, noticing my saddened expression, and stopped what he was doing.

"Niall, I left all of this six years ago. I left all of you behind, knowing you hated me, yet it didn't kill me. I'm stronger yet."

"Yeah but you were enslaved to that bitch, weren't you." I shot back and he rolled his eyes in response.

"At least I was free to write what I want, sing what I want, wear what I want.I actually had time to fucking eat, Niall, the band was draining the life out of me. Leaving was the best decision I've made, even if I was enslaved to Michelle." He retaliated angrily. He took a couple of steps back, calming himself down. "Niall, I love you and I always will. But, I think if the others have left then it's time you do as well."

"What do you mean?" I mumbled confused, my eyes welling up with tears.

"I mean, they were so much more invested in One Direction than I was. If they, especially Louis, are ready to say goodbye, then there's nothing much that can be done. We're all doing so well on our own anyway, I mean, you went on world tour! Harry was in a fucking movie!" He exclaimed, pride evident in his voice and I laughed a little bit.

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