Night Changes

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Hey guys, please check out my one direction dark mafia romance, a penny for your tears.It's not doing so well and I'm a little bit desperate, just a little bit. Please.

"Zayn." Louis repeated, dropping his microphone as he began walking towards him. Liam and Niall abruptly stood up, rushing to block his path. The guests began whispering some of them straining their necks to get a better view of the drama. Zayn knew all eyes were on him and to say it made him uncomfortable would be an understatement.

"Michelle, I'm leaving. Stay if you will." This time he didn't wait for her approval and instead started walking over to the exit.

"Leaving again, aren't you?" Louis yelled, pushing Liam and Niall away from his path. "Leaving, it's what your best at." He stopped when he reached Zayn.

"Louis, I don't want any trouble." Zayn began, his eyes following Louis as he encircled him, like a vulture does its prey.

"Well? You left us, you left One Direction, you left Simon," Louis pointed at the coffin, " In order to find your happiness. Now, tell me, did you find it." Zayn stayed quiet as eyes his glistened with tears, but he refused to cry. He felt the intense gazes of the guest and it was almost as if they were burning a hole in his back. He briefly glanced at Niall, hoping he could come help him but Niall avoided his gaze. Confrontation was the thing he hated most in the world, and he regretted not taking Liam's advice. Harry, who had been silent all this time, finally stood up and made his way towards Louis and Zayn. Cameras were flashing and he could hear people whispering amongst themselves. He didn't want to help Zayn, he didn't even want to see his face but he knew that if he didn't diffuse the situation, things would go south very, very quickly.

"Louis, stop. Leave it be, you don't want to do this. At least not right now." He said quietly, putting a hand on Louis' shoulder and as he tried to pull him away. However, it was too late. At this point, Louis was filled with so much rage; it didn't matter what anyone said, nothing could calm him down and Zayn's quietness only provoked him further.

"Say something!" Louis screamed into Zayn's face, veins popping from his neck as his face turned red. Liam and Niall both rushed towards them, eager to try and help Harry calm Louis down.

"Ladies and gentleman, I'm so sorry. Lauren, I'm so sorry." Liam apologized, addressing the crowd, he looked at Lauren, who returned his gaze with a distraught and disappointed expression. This was her husband's funeral, a time where they were all supposed to come together to say goodbye. To have this moment destroyed by people who Simon loved more than anything in this world was heartbreaking.

"No, Liam, don't apologize to them. Zayn should, tell them Zayn, what do you have to say for yourself." Louis uttered sinisterly, he was unlike himself. Louis Tomlinson had allowed hatred,anger and bitterness to chip away, bit by bit, the boy he was once and it was uncertain if that boy was ever going to come back.

"Louis, you need to stop now." Harry yelled, pushing him back. Louis' eyes snapped over to Harry, his anger now directed at  him.

"Of course, you jump to his defense. I should've seen that coming, you're no better than him. You left as well, you abandoned me, you abandoned Simon and you abandoned my sister."

"Mate, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Zayn finally managed to speak up, "Why are you going after Harry like that. Your problem is with me, not him."

"I don't need you to defend me." Harry seethed at Zayn, glaring at him.Clearly, Zayn had forgotten there was still some animosity  between them.

"This is why I told you not to come. For once can you think about people other than yourself, you've fucked this all up, just like you always do." Liam yelled, storming over to Zayn and pushing him towards the exit. "Just fucking leave."Liam's word hurt Zayn more than he could imagine. He knew that everyone thought this but no one had actually said it out loud before.

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