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I tapped my leg nervously as I stared out the window, watching cars flash by me. With every mile the car travelled, I felt heart beat faster and faster as dread filled the pits of my stomach. I couldn't believe I was doing this,but more importantly, why was I doing this? Getting that email was like a slap to my face, forcing to me face the reality of the situation and the consequences of my action. Hurting someone you love, is the worst thing in the world and feeling their disappointment was even worse. I feared having to see Lauren, but I knew it was necessary. She probably she wanted to shout at me,insult me and let out all her anger. Who could blame her, the way we acted during the funeral was despicable, unforgivable. We disgraced her, we disgraced her son and we disgraced Simon's memory.Perhaps, this is what I deserved, I was the cause of this. I was the reason all of this was even happening. If I hadn't suggested the hiatus, we'd still be together and maybe Simon would still be alive.

"So, why are we all here?" Louis spoke, finally entering the meeting hall after being thirty minutes late. Liam and shared a knowing glance as he sat down opposite me. Sarah and Simon were also seated around the table as well as the rest of modest management. "Well?" Louis asked, cocking his eyebrow up.

Simon stood up, clearing his throught as he prepared himself to share the bad news.Louis laughed as he took in Simon's nervous state;

"What the fuck is going?" Louis laughed, thinking this was some joke.

"It's been a year since Zayn's abrupt departure and neither of us can deny that One Direction hasn't been the same since. Don't get me wrong, the music is going great but it's just, the dynamic of the groups have changed a lot." Simon started, Louis sat up straighter as he noticed the seriousness of his tone. Niall looked around confused while Sarah was obviously not happy with the decision that was about to to be made. Simon sighed as he looked for the right words to continue with; "Boys, the last five years have been amazing. I've never cared for anyone as much as I do the five of you. You've taught me what it feels like to be a father and I know, I can now pass on that knowledge to Eric. After much deliberation and discussion with management and with Harry and Liam, a temporary suspension of all band activities has been suggested." There was only silence after that. Louis looked at Liam and I, shock and disappointment written all over his face. Niall ran his hands through his hair trying to decipher Simon's words.

"Wait, what? I don't understand. Do you mean like a hiatus or something?" Niall asked, looking at me. I nodded my head solemnly, avoiding his gaze.

"No!" Louis exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table.

"Louis, the decision isn't yours to make." Liam said, Louis head snapped over to him and he pointed menacingly at him.

"You shut up Liam! How could you guys do this? How could you make such a suggestion without even talking about it with Niall and I."

"We tried, Louis! But you always changed the topic." I spoke up and he just glared at me;

"But why? What's wrong with us?" Niall asked quietly. Liam sighed, looking at me to answer.

"Niall, there's nothing wrong with you or me. There's nothing wrong with us. The last five years have been amazing, but we've changed so much compared to the boys we once were. Perhaps, it's time we took some time off for ourselves. Find out who we are on our own. The band isn't over, it's just a hiatus which means we'll be back. You can stay signed to Syco if you want, things don't have to change." I explained, I desperately searched Niall's eyes for an ounce of understanding. He smiled at me, giving me a bit of relief.

"I, I understand." He stuttered as if guilty to admit it. "I just wish there was a better way to go about things."

"You can't be serious." Louis laughed, "Niall, you're agreeing with them?"

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