One Way Or Another

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Niall got out of his car and looked at the large house infront of him. He wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing  but it was worth a shot. With a heavy sigh and trembling hands, he made his way to the house. Infront of the door stood Lauren Silverman with her arms crossed and a look of displeasure etched all over her face. You could see little Eric standing behind her, hiding between the folds of her skirt. Niall kept his head down in shame, trying to avoid eye-contact with the two people he knew had disappointed, however this guilt wasn't only his to bear, he was the only one brave enough to face it. From the corner of his eye, he could see Simon's many cars lined up on the drive way. His heart sank as he looked at them. Simon loved cars, he adored them and the fact that something he loved ended up killing him brought tears to Niall's eyes.

"I'm planning on selling them, you can have first pick, if you're interested." Lauren spoke, upon noticing Niall's distraction.

"I couldn't, I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to own such a cherished memory." Niall said hesitently,

"You came alone? The rest of them run off like the cowards they are." Lauren spoke venomously as Niall stood infront of her. Niall avoided her gaze, hanging his head down in shame.

"I, uhm, that's why I'm here." Niall stuttered nervously, "I need to talk you about us, about One Direction." Lauren was quiet as he spoke, his words angered her. She had expected an apology, it was the least these boys could do after the stunt they pulled during her husband's funeral. Her husband's funeral, the words still stung. She was a widow now, there's nothing she could do to change that status. Having Niall stand before her, knowing all the pain he and his band mates had inflicted upon her, hurt her more than anything. It hurt her because she knew how much Simon adored them and she knew he'd be turning in his grave after the events that took place.

"So, that's why you're here." Lauren whispered, her voice wavering as tears threatened to escape her eyes. She took her son's hand, gently pulling him inside the house before closing the door. But Niall stuck out his foot, stopping the door.

"Lauren, I know you hate us, I know you hate me. You have every right to feel the way you do, I come here in all humbleness, ready to sincerely apologize on behalf of myself and the others. I don't expect your forgiveness and I know you don't want to ever see me again, but, I need your help. You're the only person I can turn to. If you help me, I promise I'll be out of your life and I promise the others will as well. Just please, Lauren, hear me out.Please help me." At this point, Niall was on his knees, begging her with his hands clasped together.Lauren was silent and she remained so for a long time. She stared of into the distance avoiding the image of the helpless boy infront of her.
"Lauren, please say something, talk to me." Niall tried, but the woman remained adament on her silence. Niall sighed in defeat and got up, somberly making his way back to his car.

"Mummy, I think we should listen to him. Daddy would have wanted us to. He would want us to help fix the band." Lauren looked at her son in shock, she had never expected such words to come out of his little mouth and she had never expected his words to hold such truth.

"Niall, wait." She sighed, "Let's talk about this inside, over a cup of tea. Lord knows we need it."

Niall's heart skipped a beat with joy and he practically ran back to her, embracing her and her son. "Thank you so much." He mumbled.


"I understand what you're saying Niall, but I don't understand my role in all of this." Lauren remarked as she sipped her tea. She and Niall had been sitting down and scheming ways to reunite the boys for over two hours. Eric had long gone to sleep and the room darkened as night time set in.

"The only person that could get them back here is you, you're the only person that could guarantee them all coming back. If I did it, Zayn and Liam might show up but I highly doubt Louis and Harry would." Lauren nodded in understanding. She set down her mug and got up to get her laptop, she sat back down and placed it on her lap.

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