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"LIIIAAM! Do you have a spare tie with you? It seems I've forgotten mine." I heard Louis screech from the bathroom, Liam huffed, rolling his eyes as he walked over to the bathroom.

"To think this man is responsible for the life of a three year old is unbelievable." He muttered as he entered the bathroom, Louis and him soon began arguing. It was the nerves, we were all nervous. I was the only who was ready. I woke up early, not that I was ever asleep in the first place, my mind kept wandering from Simon to Zayn and then to Harry. I glanced up at Harry, who was partially dressed; he had his shirt and suit jacket on but was struggling with his suspenders.I would've gone and helped him but I was still angry.

"Niall, could you help me?" He asked, as if sensing my thoughts.

"No." I answered simply before standing up and leaving the room. Now that I was out of the room, I didn't know where to go. 'So much for a dramatic exit.' I thought to myself, I sat down on the floor, debating within myself whether I should go back in. 'You could go see Zayn, he probably needs support right now.'My mind suggested and before I could fight the idea, I had gotten up and my legs were moving towards Zayn's door. I knocked on it and waited.  There were voices, people were clearly arguing but after a while it went silent and the door opened, to reveal a beautiful middle aged woman. Didn't think that was the type of company Zayn liked to keep but who am I to judge. She was tall and blonde, and a tight dress adorned her body, she looked familiar but I couldn't quite place my finger on how I knew her.

"Niall! How nice to see you again!" She exclaimed with the false enthusiasm. I was accustomed to fake behaviour, after all, I am in the show business, but this was  a whole new level of fake. I almost believed she was happy to see me due to her deceptive smile but her eyes told a different story.

"Uhm, hi? Who are you?" I asked,

"Don't you remember me? It's me, Michelle Wilms."

My eyes widened in as I my memory began to recall bits and pieces of who she was. She used to work for Simon before snatching Zayn and taking off. I hated her, we all hated her. She used to try and get us to do things we didn't want to do; like wear matching outfits on stage or perform choreographed dance routines. If not for Simon, she would have turned us into preppy, generic teen idols all in the name of fame.It baffled me, that Zayn, of all people, ended up with her as a manager.

"I'm here to speak with Zayn." I said, not wanting to converse any further with her.

"He's not here."

I lifted my eyebrows in doubt," You sure? So you were arguing with a ghost? I knew you were bitch just didn't think you were a crazy bitch." Right, when I said I hated her, I really hated her. If she hadn't preyed on Zayn's weakness, he wouldn't have left, if he hadn't left, we would've helped him and One Direction would still be One Direction. So yes, I fucking hated her.

"Listen here you little shit, he's in the shower and doesn't want to speak to you." She said poking her finger into my chest.

"He doesn't want to or you don't want him to?" I questioned, she shot me a glare and I saw her nostrils flaring. She stepped out of the room and walked over to me.I used this as an opportunity to push her aside, run into the room and lock the door behind me.

"You piece of shit, open the door right now!" I heard her screech and I chuckled. Zayn's hotel room looked just like ours except there was only one bed, I felt bad looking at it , realizing he must have felt so lonely knowing we were just down the corridor, so I averted my gaze. On the coffee table, there was a bunch of drawings and I knew immediately that they were Zayn's. They were random doodles but only one of them stood out to me, it was a drawing of a girl with freckles and small nose piercing. It was just a sketch so there wasn't any hair colour or eye colour but I knew immediately who it was.

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