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"Louis." Harry spoke, acknowledging my presence in the room. "Why are you here?" He asked confused, but I was even more so. Why was he here?

"Lauren wanted to meet with me," I explained but his expression grew even more confused.

"Wait, what? She asked me to come here." He said as he glanced around the room and then his eyes widened, his mouth forming an O shape as realization hit him.

"What?" I asked and he pointed to the other three chairs in the room that I hadn't even noticed before.

"It's a set-up." Harry clarified,in case I hadn't gotten it.

"Fuck!" I screamed, getting up and punching the wall. Harry began pounding on the door, demanding they let us out. "I knew it, I fucking knew it. Why do people always do this to me." I yelled. Harry stopped what he was doing and turned to face me with a look of disbelief.

"How are you making this about you right now? You're unbelievable!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I'm unbelievable? You're the one that decided to defend Zayn, leaving me to look like the villain. So much for loyalty." Before Harry could respond, the door opened and Liam emerged from it. Harry tried to run for the door before it closed but it was too late.

"Shit." He mumbled angrily, sitting down on one of the five chairs. Liam looked at the two of us, probably confused out of his mind.

"What's going on? Wait, why are you here?"

"This is all a set-up to get the five us in one room." Harry explained softly, I could tell all this drama was taking a toll on him. He looked tired, his eyes were red from lack of sleep and his hair was dishevelled. He was growing a stubble, he hated beards so I knew it wasn't intentional. Overall, he looked very unkempt and that was very unlike Harry. He was a fashion icon, looking good was just him,it's etched into his personality.

"Why though?" Liam asked, still confused. I glared at him, still angry at the fact that he lied to me about Zayn.

"I don't know! Maybe to get us to talk it out, I have no fucking idea!" Harry yelled, frustrated. Liam, slightly intimidated by his outburst, remained silent and slowly sat down. Suddenly, the door opened again and Zayn walked in to the room. He took a quick glance around the room and it didn't take long for him to understand what was happening. He took several steps back heading towards the door but Harry's voice stopped him.

"Don't even bother, the door won't open. This was all a set-up." Harry mumbled, not even bothering to look at him. I avoided his gaze, keeping my back towards him.

"Isn't this technically kidnapping?" Liam spoke after minutes of silence. All our heads snapped towards him, and I rolled my eyes, ready to punch the shit out of him.

"Could you just shut up, Liam? This is not the time for technicalities." I seethed, I could tell my words and attitude angered him but I didn't care. I left to go home for a reason, I didn't ever want to see any of their faces again but here I was. Zayn kept shaking his leg and he kept tapping the metal of his chair with his finger then he began counting to ten, over and over again. His actions were becoming increasingly annoying and combined with the anger I was already feeling it didn't take long for me to react. "Zayn, for the love of God, can you fucking stop that? In fact, you should be making yourself scarce right now!" I shouted angrily before storming over to him. Harry came in between us before I could reach him and pushed me down into a chair.

"Louis, just stop. He's having a fucking panic attack, you idiot."

"Of course, he is." I mumbled annoyed. Honestly, I was disgusted with the way I was behaving. It was like I no longer had control over my emotions and thought process. All I could feel was anger and betrayal, no matter how hard I tried to let everything go, I couldn't. Every bad thing that had ever happened to me, somehow had one of these boys associated with it. Fizzy's death put Harry to mind, my mum's death brought Zayn's abandonment and the funeral reminded me of Liam's deception. How was I just supposed to forgive any of them, when they were cause behind all the pain I was feeling, I couldn't just forgive and forget. Perhaps Niall was my only solace in this dark and dreary situation, he always had my back, always kept in touch. He was even the motivation, my inspiration, to release my own music.

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