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"So, you're going?" Michelle asked me, I nodded as I put on black shirt while looking at myself in the mirror. "What did he say to you?" She questioned suspiciously.


"So, after I've spent the last hour trying to convince you to go, you've magically just changed your mind. Guess the leprechaun does have magical powers." She snickered.

"Look Michelle, you wanted me to go and now I'm going. Can you just shut the fuck up already!" She widened her eyes at my outburst, not expecting it all and to be honest neither was I. I had never once talked back to her, over the years, I let her basically say and do what she wanted. But insulting Niall was too much, I couldn't accept that.

"Zayn, honey, I crossed a line. I'm sorry." She said walking up to me and laying a hand on my chest.

"Michelle," I seethed,removing her hand from my chest and shooting her a glare, "Why don't you go tell the driver we're ready to go." She pouted, crossing her arms and taking a step backwards. Is she forgetting that she's a grown ass women? Damn, she's like thirty something. Why is she acting like a child.

"The driver is already waiting for us."

"Then let's go." I grumbled, leaving the room and stepping into the elevator, not even waiting to see if she was following me.

The car ride to the venue was awkward to the least, all I wanted to do was escape Michelle's intense stare. The minute the car came to halt, I rushed out of it so fast, trying to escape Michelle, that I tripped and fell into someone knocking to them floor.
"God, watch where you're going!" A familiar voice exclaimed, my eyes grew larger as I realized who it is.

"Perrie?" I whispered, she got up and looked at me, her shocked expression mirroring mine. "What are you doing here?" She was silent for a while, just standing there observing me.

"Zayn? Where are you?" Perrie yelled walking into my apartment, I was carrying some boxes from my room to my living room but stopped when I heard her voice. I dropped the boxes in the hallway, counted to ten before making my way to the living room.

"Baby-" I began,

"Don't you baby me! What's the meaning of this?" She yelled holding up her phone, the screen displayed the tweet sent by Michelle on One Direction's twitter page, informing the world of my departure.

"I left the band." I said quietly, my words only seemed to anger her more as she rolled her eyes and threw the phone on the couch.

"Yeah, no fucking shit Zayn. I just found out, through fucking twitter." She exclaimed throwing her hands up in frustration, she then placed her hands on her head and huffed. "How long?" She questioned.

"A year." I muttered looking down, ashamed to look her in the eyes.

"A year, you've felt like this for a whole year?" She whispered, her voice cracking.

"Well, I've felt like this for more than year but I only got the courage to do it around a year ago."

She gasped tears falling freely from her eyes, "Why didn't you talk to me about this?"

"I knew you would try to talk me out of it, I mean, you love this. You were born to perform, me, not so much." I said walking over to her, and holding her in my arms. She pushed me away and started pacing about.

"Zayn, you and I are engaged. We are supposed to talk about these things together, communication is key."


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