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The sun shone on my face as the morning mood set in, I groaned rubbing my face and getting up.I was exhausted and sleeping in yesterday's suit didn't help the matter. I looked around me, ready to wake the others up, but, then I remembered I was alone. I didn't go back to our shared hotel room last night because I was so angry. I was angry at Louis for only thinking about himself, Zayn for showing up and I was angry at myself. I guessed I was less angry but more ashamed at myself. We fucked up, big time. We couldn't go back in time to amend what happened. What's done is done. I grabbed my phone and saw that it had blown up with tweets and messages. Lauren was right,TMZ and The Daily Mail had gotten a hold of what happened and it was trending all over twitter. The biggest hashtag out there was #OneDirectionIsOverParty and I scrolled through some of the tweets that went with it. Most of them were directed at Louis and Zayn, however one particular tweet caught my eye;

Did Liam Payne actually just forbid Zayn Malik from going to Simon's funeral. Who does he think he is? Zayn carried One Direction, he doesn't deserve any of this. Liam and Louis are just jealous of his success. One Direction is soo cancelled, they crashed their own founder's funeral!!!! Who does that??

Vocally, Zayn did carry the group. It was a known fact that nobody could deny. After Zayn left, it was Harry's powerful voice that kept us going. If not for Harry, Syco would have ended us the minute Zayn left.

"Right, Zayn is gone. There's nothing we can do about that now. We can only look forward, what is the future of One Direction?" Sarah, one of our, managers asked. We were all sat around a large table; Harry to my left, Niall to my right and Louis opposite me. We were all out of it; Harry had dark glasses on, hiding the fact that he drank himself to sleep, Louis was a ticking time bomb and just the mere mention of Zayn could set him off. Niall was like a child whose parents had just divorced, he was sad all the time and just moped around the place. I, I was dealing with this the best I could. I was trying to be strong for everyone, at the end of the day, Zayn leaving wasn't the end of the world. It hurt, but we weren't going to die from his betrayal.

"Well, first things first, our image. Zayn's gone, but, the world doesn't know how we feel about that yet. We should put out a statement or something." I spoke, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well, you're right Liam. However, someone wasn't capable of holding his tongue. Fans already have a negative image about this." Sarah glared at Louis.

"I said what needed to be said, the bastard can go to hell." Louis mumbled angrily;

"Louis! I won't have you speak like that about Zayn, not in my presence." Simon scolded, this was the first time he had talked to anyone since Zayn's departure, so we were all surprised to hear his voice.

"Why are you defending him? Why is no one acknowledging the elephant in the room? He's bastard, a fucking liar; that doesn't deserve our tears." Louis shot back, Simon, already tired of this conversation, got up and left the room. Everyone in the room gave Louis an angry glare and who just rolled his eyes in response. His temper would lead to his undoing, I could already tell.

"Nice going, Louis." I seethed.

"He'll get over it, don't worry Payno." Sarah slammed her hand on the table grabbing all of our attention.

"Guys! This is serious, Zayn's departure affects the band in a greater way than you can imagine. Vocally, he held the group together. We needed him." Sarah sank into her chair, rubbing her head in frustration.

"That's not true." I argued defensively, "We can all sing very well. We might not be able to hit those high notes but we are good singers."

"Liam, no one is saying you're bad singers. But, Zayn's voice is what gave the band that extra spunk. He's the reason why believe you aren't common auto-tuned pop idols. Here listen to this." She played one of our songs, C'mon, C'mon,once with Zayn's voice and then again without. She had a point, the two songs were the same but they sounded drastically different.Without Zayn's high notes, it sounded so generic.

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