1.1) Not So Merry Christmas

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Being the daughter of the President of the United States was something Adelaide never thought she would be. She's an FBI Special Agent, but having the Secret Service following her was something she wasn't very fond of. Recently, she made a deal with Lynne Jacobs, director of the Secret Service, that they would leave her alone only when she was at work, but if she was at any other place, she would be accompanied.

"Adelaide," she heard a male voice from the other side of the room, by the doorway.

"Mike," she smiled when she recognized him, Mike Banning, one of the best agents in the Secret Service. "What are you doing here?"

"I asked your father for permission to have a boxing match with you in the basement," he explained, and her eyes grew wide. "He approved, and said he'd join us later."

"You're kidding, right?" She asked, and sighed. "I'm gonna be sore for the party."

"You need to improve your strength," he insisted. "Be there in five minutes."

"Yes, sir," she faked a smile as she watch him leave.

Adelaide changed into some leggings and a sports bra. She has never exercised dressed like that, but she thought it would be more comfortable, specially if she went against Mike, who has never gone easy on her.

The moment she entered in the basement, she saw Mike with his boxing gloves ready. They trained, punched and kicked each other for an entire hour and a half, until her father finally chose to join them. He looked at his little girl fight, and he couldn't be more proud of her and her every smart move.

"My turn, honey," the President said as he stepped in the ring. "You need to rest and get ready for tonight's party."

"I'll get some water," Mike informed and walked a bit away from them.

"Isn't he too old for you?" Her father asked her as he pointed at her bra, and her eyes grew wide. "You don't have to try so hard, darling."

"I cannot believe the words that came out of your mouth," she scoffed, and he chuckled. "If you weren't my father, I would've slapped you until you had no teeth."

"No need to get feisty. I just saw the way you two looked at each other... It's the same way I look at Margaret," he said sincerely, and it made her smile. "Isn't he too old for you, though?"

"We're literally 17 years apart... Alright. You win. The more I think about it, the weirder it is, but... I don't know, I've never felt like this before," she said sincerely, and she could feel her cheeks starting to get all red. "Love knows age, it just doesn't care."

"Well, I just want what's best for you, as long as you're happy. Even if it's with a man around the same age as me," he winked at her and kissed her cheek. "Or perhaps older."

"When you put it like that sounds weirder," she giggled and made her way out of the basement, towards her respective room.

She showered and dressed for tonight's Christmas party. She wore an A-line blue dress with beige platforms. Her hair was curly and her makeup was simple. She carried a small purse with her phone, and her FBI badge, just in case. She grabbed her gun from the nightstand, and asked herself if she should take it, but her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door.

"You look nice," Mike said from where he stood, by the doorway, and chuckled as he noticed her gun. "I'm sure that won't be necessary, Adelaide."

"What if I get kidnapped?" She arched her eyebrow and he chuckled.

"Over my dead body that will happen," he said firmly and she sighed.

"Fine, I won't take it," she said as she placed the gun in her nightstand's drawer. "Mike?"

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