1.5) We Don't Work For You

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They made their way to the roof again, and this time, they made it. They were going upstairs until they received a call from Lynne.

"Looks like there are only four sentries on the roof, with the Air Defense grid gone, they're vulnerable to an aerial insertion," the man that annoyed her said.

"Wait. Let us get there first and check it out," Mike said, not taking his eyes off the doors.

"We're not waiting. We have to secure Cerberus," Mr Speaker said, and she didn't blame them, they weren't here to experience it all, they was behind a desk guessing what's best to do.

"Oh, fuck," Mike cursed as they kept going upstairs.

"Send in the SEALS, General," Mr. Speaker said. "We're going through the roof."

They went to the last room on top of the White House and he checked if anyone was there. Meanwhile, Adelaide noticed the computers and many black boxes. On the boxes was written 'US Army Weapons Prototype Hydra Series 6A'. Just by looking at the computer she realized what the weapon could do.

"Mike," she called him. "This weapon has a remote minigun system capable of seeking targets independently."

"Fuck," he cursed again. "Tell them to hold."

"We aren't holding shit," a man answered.

"I'll try to turn it off, but I can't promise anything," Adelaide told Mike as she worked on the computer.

"Jacobs, you gotta abort this mission. They've got the Hydra Six," Mike informed them.

"What's that?" Lynne asked.

"Next-generation weaponry. Ours," the man explained.

"How the hell would they get that?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter. We'll take it out," the man said again, Adelaide sighed.

"I'm locked out," she told Mike.

"I said abort this fucking mission," he started again, but no one listened.

A man came into the room. Mike ran up to him and held him back with one hand, while the other looked for his gun and shot him in the leg. Another one came in, but Adelaide shot him in the head. Two more men attacked him, but she killed them in four shots.

"Bullseye," she said to herself as she reloaded her gun behind a wall.

The three helicopters were getting closer, until the weapon started shooting uncontrollably to the helicopter's direction. She went after Mike and saw him shooting the machine, but before the weapon was destroyed, it hit the last helicopter, and started to fall on the roof. Adelaide and Mike ran in the same direction, and in attempt to not get hurt by the helicopter, they fell off the roof and inside the White House, two floors down. And even before their bodies hit the cold and hard floor filled with glass, they were both unconscious.


Kang had enough. He made his men grab the Vice President and turn on the video camera. Jacobs, Mr. Speaker and everyone else were watching the whole thing. Without another word, Kang shot the Vice President right in the head. Everyone in the room was shocked.

"Your President is next. You now have one hour to recall the Seventh Fleet and your troops," Kang ordered. "Once you do so, I want a helicopter on the North Lawn fueled and ready. 60 minutes."


Mike woke up first, and used all his strength to sit up. He laid his body against a bed, and sighed. He looked to his left and saw Adelaide, who was still unconscious. Her face was covered in dirt and blood dropped from her forehead. He grabbed her by her bulletproof vest and pulled her to his side. He checked her pulse, it was steady. He tried to reach Lynne as he kept en eye on Adelaide in case she wakes up.

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