2.6) Speechless

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Everyone in the world was tuned to see what happened to the President and the First Lady of the United States. In Washington, everyone's hearts were breaking in pieces as they saw their leaders, remarkable people being humiliated in such way. Around the world, they were petrified with horror of what they would do to the two most respected and powerful world leaders.

"Speechless? Miss First Lady?" He asked.

"It'll take more than terrorists to destroy me," she said firmly.

Kamran took the knife away from her throat and punched her heavily in the stomach. She yelped as she felt shivers going through her body.

"How does that feel, Miss First Lady?" He asked her. It was not the time, but she hated when he called her like that, it was the wrong way to address the First Lady.

"Freedom is not free. I will keep fighting. For my family, and my country. Until I die," she said firmly and remember the speech she gave after the attack on the White House. "As we confront these challenges together, I can only ask for your prayers for all those who grieve. Not only for the American people, but also for the ones in London and the world leader's families. The sacrifices our heroes made to protect our countries will never be forgotten. We honor their lives with much respect and endless gratitude."

Kamran let her finish, deep inside he respected her attitude and her words, but deep inside he didn't care. He punched her in the face, just like he punched her father.

"I'll be honest," he said. "You are a though woman, I admire that, something I don't do often."

"Don't expect me to thank you," she stated angrily, but he ignored her, not wanting to hit her again, he preferred her limp body falling in her father's arms.

"Any last words before we kill you and your daughter, Mr. President?" Kamran then turned to him, Adelaide looked at her father, asking herself what he would do or say.

"I do solemly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States—..." Kamran punched him, but the President kept going through heavy breaths. "...the United States. And will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend—..."

Kamran punched him again, and it killed Adelaide inside how she couldn't do anything, except watch. She wanted to cry for her father, for her baby, but not in front of the world. She wanted to stay strong for Connor who was probably watching, and for whoever else who needed her strength.

Kamran grabbed a machete and caressed it through the President and the First Lady's shoulders. Even with that, neither of them showed any sign of weakness as they stared directly at the camera. Kamran laid the machete on her shoulder, took a deep breath. Adelaide and her father closed their eyes, just waiting for the final blow. But the terrorist was stopped by Mike, who appeared from behind the wall, and shot almost everyone in the room in less than ten seconds.

The camera fell on the floor, and the President and Adelaide crawled away from the gunfight. Mike started to fight Kamran without a gun. The President grabbed a knife from one of the men's dead bodies, and handed it to his daughter.

"You know what you guys don't get?" Mike told Kamran as he punched him repeatedly. "We're not a fucking country! We're not a fucking flag! We're not just one man! Assholes like you have been trying to kill us for a long fucking time. But you know what? A thousand years from now, we'll still fucking be here."

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