3.4) Under Arrest

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At the FBI Headquarters, everyone already knew of the attack, and the agents in charge of the operation, Agent Thompson and Agent Ramirez, were preparing everything to go to the crime scene.

"Peterson. Make sure HRT has that lake secured. Got it?" Agent Thompson ordered at the man who nodded and she turned to her partner. "Ramirez, what do you got?"

"Agent Martin just called, Starlight's partner," he explained. "They were on their way to Saint Matthews Hospital, the drones attacked them halfway. Starlight's unconscious."

"Shit," she sighed. "Were there any Secret Service agents with her?"

"Yes, they're all dead," he answered. "What do we do?"

"I want agents at the hospital, not only for the president, but for Starlight too. She's also been a victim of this attack," she ordered, and he nodded. "We gotta know why whoever did this wanted her dead. Send agents to her house for her daughter."

"Roger that," he nodded and walked away to tell some agents what she ordered.


"Mr. Vice President, this way," an agent ordered him, and he followed.

They went to the President's hospital room, Vice President Kirby stood at the feed of the bed, staring at Trumbull in disbelief.

"How is he?" He asked.

"Well, he was already in a coma state when he arrived on Marine One. We were told there were heavy explosions, but we're not seeing any signs of swelling from traumatic brain damage, which is great news," the doctor explained. "Now it's a waiting game."

"And the security detail?" The Vice President asked.

"Only one survived, sir. Mike Banning. The others died on scene," an agent answered and he sighed.

"And what's Banning's status?" The Vice President asked the doctor.

"He was also unconscious when he arrived, but he's already showing signs of response," the doctor answered. "We expect him to be on alert soon, and then we'll run some more tests."

"We've received news that Starlight was also attacked when she was on her way here. An FBI partner of hers brought her here," the agent added.

"And how is she?" The Vice President asked.

"She's alive, doctors said she has a concussion, she should be waking up soon," the agent responded, and the Vice President sighed.

"When you're ready, sir," Sam, the Chief of Staff said. "I'll need to see you outside."

The Vice President looked down at the president's feet, giving them a light squeeze before walking away. The agents and officers took him to an empty room.

"This is Judge Spier of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. She will swear you in as acting president," Sam told him as they walked to the judge's side.

"Alright. Let's hope this is only a formality," the Vice President sighed.

"Mr. Vice President, is you'll place your hand on the Bible..." The judge started and he did what she said. "And raise your right hand, and repeat after me. I, Martin James Kirby, do solemnly swear..."

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