3.5) Officially Fugitives

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Mike was being escorted with three vehicles, one in front, one behind, and the one he was in. They drove in silence, Mike still processing everything that happened. He couldn't unsee the look on his wife's face as they took him away. His elbows were on his lap, his head down and his eyes were closed. He had a light migraine too.

Suddenly, the power of the three vehicles were shot down.

"What the—" The driver stated as he tried to get the power back somehow. "Thing just went dead."

Mike looked up and frowned, not having an idea of what was happening. For a moment, he thought of Adelaide, she was smart enough to do something like this, but he knew she wouldn't do it, for Lynne, even if he was the one going to prison.

"Shit. Look. The escort vehicles too," the man atares.

"This ain't good, man," the other remarked worriedly.

Mike looked at his surroundings, but saw nothing. Everything was too dark.

"Call it in," the man told his partner.

"How? The radio's—"

A car crashed the vehicle in the front, then, the same thing happened to the car behind them. Mike tugged his restrains, trying to get out and do something, but it was impossible.

Another van approached them, armed men got out of it and made their way to Mike's. The men shot repeatedly at the marshals who were driving the car until they were dead. They killed all the men in the vehicles, even the ones they crashed with the cars.

A man put a small explosive in the truck of the vehicle Mike was in. Once it exploded, Mike's ears began ringing as the men roughly pulled him out of the car. They cut his restrains and grabbed him.

"Get out of there! Get out! Move! Move!" The men yelled at him as they pushed him out of the vehicle to another car. "Fucking move!"

Mike got in their car, he sat in the middle with two men on his sides, the driver and the passenger were already in the front. The moment the door closed, they took off, driving as fast as they could out of the scene.

Mike breathed heavily, the men had black ski masks covering their whole faces and necks.

"We're three minutes out," one of the men alerted the others through radio.

"Standing by," the others responded through the other line.

"So who are you guys anyway?" Mike asked.

He hit one of the men with his head and the other with his elbow. He leaned his body forward and hit the man in the passenger seat before distracting the driver. Mike was trying to reach one of the guys' gun as they hovered on top of him, trying to grab him and stopped him.

"He's got my gun!" One of them yelled.

Mike shot them to get them off of him, he punched them repeatedly and hit the men in the front. The driver lost focused and crashed the car against a big tree.

He opened the door and pushed one of the men to the ground, he was dead. Mike got out of the car and landed on the ground, he groaned as the migraine got worse.

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