1.3) Attack On The White House

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The Koreans were behind the attack. They held everyone hostage and killed all the Secret Services agents, except one.

"I have no interest in your nuclear launch codes. By now, your Pentagon has changed them, no?" The Korean stated at the President. "Sit."

"You're from the North? You're sure as hell not from the South," the President stated while he was being tied up to a chair, by two men.

"I'm working for justice," the Korean said. "To give millions of starving men, women, children a chance...at more than just subsistence. To end the civil war your country interrupted so long ago. And yes...for a united, prosperous Korea."

"It's a whole new world, baby!" Forbes exclaimed carelessly.

"What's the going rate for a soul these days?" The President muttered.

"What did you say to me?" Forbes asked, ready to punch the President.

"I never would have taken you for a traitor," he stated and the agent scoffed.

"Me? What about you?" He asked. "You sold this country out long before I ever did. Globalization and fucking Wall Street! What does it cost to buy a presidency nowadays anyway? Huh? 500 million dollars? I'm a fucking rookie compared to you."

"Gotta keep your gloves up, Forbes," the President stated after giving him a head butt.

"Enough!" The Korean yelled impatiently at the two. "Find the boy, his name is Connor."

"What about Connor? What the fuck are you gonna do with my son?" The President asked angrily.

"If nobody finds him, find the girl... The First Lady," the Korean instructed as he held up a picture of the President's daughter. "Her name's Adelaide, isn't that right, Mr. President?"

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter!" He yelled, his blood boiling with rage at the thought of his children getting hurt.

"Oh, Adelaide Asher," Forbes grabbed their picture from the Korean's hand and stared at it while licking his lips. "She graduated from MIT, top of her class. Worked for the FBI until the President named her First Lady... Man, she's smart and hot, she's the whole package."

"Go to hell," the President told him angrily. "I swear if any of you lays a hand on her—"

"Spare me the pep talk, Mr. President," the Korean said. "We'll do her no harm, in exchange to get what we want."

"And what do you want?" He asked.

The Korean smirked as he turned and told something to the woman who was handling the computers. He stood firmly in front of the camera.

"Mr. Speaker," the Korean addressed him.

"What is it that you want?" He asked.

"Recall the Seventh Fleet from the Sea of Japan and withdraw all 28,500 American troops from the Demilitarized Zone," he said firmly. "If you do not comply, if you attempt any operating to take this building, if you devote from my instructions—"

"Wait a minute, we can't just recall the Seventh Fleet," he said.

"Then I will execute your officials one by one and their blood will be on your hands," the Korean threatened. "You have until dawn. I suggest you move quickly."

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