3.2) The Start Of An Investigation

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At the White House, Mike was waiting with current director of the Secret Service David Gentry outside the Oval Office along with some other agents, all waiting for President Trumbull's meeting to be over.

"Pathfinder's moving," they heard through the coms, Trumbull's code name for the Secret Service.

Once he walked out of the Office, Mike and David followed behind him.

"Just a few more of these pressers and I'm done with this circus," David stated with a small smirk on his face.

"Ah, you know you'll miss it, sir," Mike told him. "You have no life."

"Says the man who could be taking my place," he said, and Mike laughed.

At the press conference President Trumbull had, he answered all of the questions the reporters asked him.

"Mr. President, you promised to amend the AUMF for power's resolution to require approval from Congress before committing U.S. military forces to further conflict. Is that still your intention?" A reporter asked him and he nodded.

"It is. We've become complacent to war in this country. I intent to change that about making it our last, but clear option," the President answered, and Mike started to slowly feel a discomfort, probably a headache.

"Mr. President, with Russia continuing to extent its military well beyond its borders, what is your strategy to stop them from reforming the old Soviet Union?" The reporter asked, and Gentry noticed Mike's discomfort, but chose to remain silent.

"Well, you all know where I stand on that issue, that's a G-20," the President answered.

"There are rumors in the White House that your new form policy will  broughty use of private contractors to help post our American troops to remain scattered around the globe. Is there any truth to that?" The same reporter from before asked, the small smiled the president had on his face slowly disappeared.

"Well, that's all for today, folks," the President stated with a smile on his face, acting as if the question didn't affect him. "Thank you very much."

He walked out of the press conference with his Secret Service following him, Mike being next to him.

"I swear, these walls have more leaks than a submarine with a screen door," the President stated as he walked to his office.

"It wasn't me," Mike commented and the president looked at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked with a smile and they looked at each other.

"I'm sure," Mike nodded.

"Okay," the President chuckled.

Once that got to the office, the President whispered to Gentry that he wanted Adelaide to join them in the meeting. Gentry nodded and, through the coms, he alerted the other agents around the White House to get her.

"Who once again leaked false info to the press?" Once they were all seated, the White House Chief of Staff, Sam Wilcox asked.

"Thank you, Sam," the President nodded at him and turned at the rest. "I thought I made my position clear about private contract to companies during the election. I am tired. Sick and tired of handful of people profiting from our mission."

"Hell, half these guys aren't even American," Vice President Kirby added with a firm face. "It's not the same fighting for money as when you fight for your flag. Now, enough of the leaks, who's talking?"

The room fell in complete silence, nobody seemed to be nervous or 'guilty' about it. Instead, they all looked at each other, waiting for an answer.

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