2.2) Attack On London

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Air Force One finally landed at Stansted Airport in London. Mike went down first with several Agents and Lynne. The President and Adelaide locked arms as they walked out of the plane to the Marine 1 and made their way to one of the Somerset Houses. Then, they hopped on cars and made their way to the Cathedral just like they agreed they would do.

The air was chilly, and Adelaide cursed under her breath when her legs started to get cold. Her hair was curly, she was wearing her stepmother's pearls, small heels, a drop waist dress and a coat, even though all her outfit was black, she looked perfect for the occasion.

"It's good to see you," the President said and with Adelaide, they were greeted by a man.

"Benjamin, Adelaide, thank you for coming," they shook hands. "We're grateful you could make it."

"We're sorry," her father said for the both of them.

"You know, the funny thing is James always hated funerals," he said.

"Yeah, don't we all?" Adelaide said with a small smile.

Out of nowhere, a gun shot was heard inside a police car and it stained the window with blood.

"Get down!" Mike yelled as he pulled the President and the First Lady safely to the ground.

Police impostors started to shoot real policemen and more men appeared with guns. A car exploded, and Mike tried to get the two inside the church, but the doors closed.

"Shit!" He said. "Alright, back to the car!"

Mike started to shoot at everyone that got near the car. Adelaide looked at one of the Secret Service's agents dead on the floor. She hesitated at first, but then ran to his side. She grabbed his gun and a pocket knife. One man ran with a gun pointed at her, but she was quick and shot him in the head. Mike pulled her back to the car and glared at her. He knew her intentions, but he didn't want her to get hurt.

"Stay with me, babe," he told her and yelled through his coms. "Beast is compromised!"

The President covered Lynne as Mike started to shoot at the men. Adelaide pulled the other gun out of her purse to help him, but Mike already took care of it. More men started to appear and shoot everyone in their path. A man was pointing at Mike, and Adelaide shot him twice in his chest.

"I told you not to bring a gun!" The President yelled at her.

"Not the time, dad!" She yelled back as she looked around for any other threats, which were many.

"Gulf One to Cat Team, support on me now!" He said through the coms and looked at the President, Lynne and Adelaide. "You okay?"

"I'm kind of having a deja vu," Adelaide told him and everyone nodded. "But we're okay."

"Stay with me," Mike told them. "We'll get you out of here."

A car blew up next to them, it lifted itself up from the impact and landed right on top of the Beast. Mike shot everyone who pointed a gun at them and Adelaide helped him too. It was confusing, because some of the terrorists were dressed as police officers.

A car made his way towards them and parked right on the stairs. Mike told them to get on, and they did. Lynne sat on the passenger sat and The President and Adelaide sat and kept their heads down. Mike was the last one to enter and sat by her side.

"Let's get to the chopper," he ordered the agent who immediately started to drive away from the scene.

"Agh, shit," Adelaide muttered, gaining everyone's attention.

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