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"So, how did it go?" A lad immediately queried upon seeing Hongjoong step into their shared apartment. The latter took off his shoes and threw his keys onto the side before heaving a sigh, walking towards the living room with an unreadable expression.

"It was fine. Awkward at first but I was able to tiptoe around her," he finally answered before pulling his hat off and slamming himself onto the couch. The coffee table was filled with opened bag of chips and a now-grosslooking bubble tea. That only meant San and Wooyoung were home. "Told her about your dance academy with Mingi and she told me before we part to tell you congratulations."

Jeong Yunho walked closer to the older before taking his place beside him to sit. "Did she ask about... Seonghwa?" Hongjoong rested his head on his palm with his arm placed on one of the sturdy pillow beside him.

"She did. She wanted to ever since we started talking but again it has always been easy for us to read her right?" the red-haired boy pulled his lips into a thin smile, "I could see the amount of guilt contained in her eyes so I didn't say much."

As he finished answering, San and Wooyoung came stomping out of their room, with a sleepy looking Yeosang trailing from behind. He was really having a peaceful nap before the sound from the room beside his decided to resemble one from a party. The house is never dull when the Woosan duo is home.

Just like how Hongjoong has expected though, the boys had asked him how was his encounter with Yunhee earlier. How was she doing and what did he find out. He was able to answer them all but then when he thought about it, he was not the only one tiptoeing as she was too. It was crazy how they were sitting there, talking for hours yet what he managed to figure out about her was merely a fragment. She was careful of what to tell and what not to, leaving out as many details as possible when it comes to her life back in Daegu. She had once left Seoul altogether with its memories and its as if she's doing that all over again.

Out of all of them, Wooyoung had always been the one straightforward with everything he does. He's always the one asking the question no one dared to. Just like how he was the one who brought up the topic of Yunhee's daughter. "Is the baby in her Instagram, really hers?"

Hongjoong had lost count of the amount of sighs he heaved and he hasn't even started his daily working session yet. "Yeah, she's her daughter," he answered shortly. None were surprised as they saw what she posted earlier yesterday. But it got them to question how will Park Seonghwa react to this proven fact. Heck, he would probably gloom over her reinstate, let alone having a child.

"Her name is Hwang Eunbyul and she's 10 months old. That's as far as I know," Hongjoong continued.

"Is it Seonghwa's?" Yeosang's voiced suddenly filled the air after being quiet for so long. All their heads turned towards him, a look of judgement prominent on each of their visage as if they're telling him he's stupid over and over again.

"Studying medicine really does things to your head huh," San groaned before burying his face in his hands.

"Sang, Seonghwa hasn't left Seoul at all ever since the second year of college," Yunho explained, "it could be anyone's but his." Yeosang simply shrugged at his friend's remark. "And plus.. Seonghwa's... been engaged for nearly two years, he wouldn't do that."

"Yeah, it couldn't have been Seonghwa's. If you pay attention to the timeline, the deed must've been done around the time he was promoted to CEO," Hongjoong added. Silent fell upon the room before the pharmacist bid his farewell to everyone to go back to dreamland and Mingi came to pick up Yunho to go back to their own place which was only one floor apart from the other boys' unit.

San, Wooyoung and Hongjoong were left in the living room as the younger two decided to clean the mess they made earlier on the coffee table. At moments like these had they started thinking how lucky they were for having Seonghwa frequently coming by before.

Wooyoung walked back into his shared-room with San immediately after, leaving his friend who was then searching for a cold drink in their fridge.

As San wanted to walk back himself, he stopped his tracks behind the couch where Hongjoong sat. "Are you going to tell Seonghwa?"

"I'm not," The older immediately answered, "they'll meet soon, trust me."

"How so?"

"The convenient store she works at, is the one nearby his apartment."

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