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A/N: I'll put the social media style chapter on halt for the next one to two chapters because there's nothing that fits the moment. But anyway, this story's about to come to an end and woah, I really can't thank all of you enough for reading this. Thank you once again and I'll surely try my best to not disappoint!

( 🎵 Bruno Major – Places We Won't Walk )

Seonghwa drove through the gates of his home— or more like the place that he once called home. It has been two weeks since the engagement was called off and it has been a week since he'd last spoken to both of his parents. He was hoping to see the both of them, but when he finally got in through the doors, the only person home was his mother

"She's in her room," was what the maid had told him. With that, he moved his feet up the stairs and to the front door of his mother's shared bedroom. A series of knocks were placed on the door and it didn't take the older long before asking his son to come in. Her tone was cold, as if she was speaking to an employee but Seonghwa had expected this. Even after Eunji agreeing to partnership, he had put that at risk once.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the office?" the old woman asked as soon as her son stepped into the room and closing the door behind him.

"I came here to talk to you about something," all these while his mother had faced away, looking straight at words written in the book she was holding. But when she heard what he said, she slowly brought her line of vision to the man standing on the other side of the room. 

"What is it?" she was indirectly asking him to cut to the chase, so Seonghwa didn't want a second longer to answer his mother with every ounce of the truth.

"I proposed to Yunhee," he answered, earning a wide eye from the woman.

"How could you-," the man folded his lips inwards, biting down to it as he closed his eyes to heave out a sigh. He knew she was going to react like this. "Seonghwa, she's not fit for you."

"And why's that?" he provoked, shoving both of his hands into his pocket, "the two of you kept saying she's unfit for me but never have you ever told me why. So tell me."

Mrs. Park got up from the sofa she was sitting on, putting down the book by the table beside it and walked closer. "She's not our kind of people, son. Marrying someone like her, could only bring you misfortune. You never know what's her motive."

"Our kind of people?" the man scoffed.

"What if she's only marrying you for the diamond rings and luxury bags? You never know, Hwa," the latter continued.

"Mom, I proposed to her without a ring," he began, "without a single thing planned, without flowers. I proposed to her with nothing."

"And?" she asked, "that's only one instance. You never know how she would be after the two of you got married."

His mother was determined on clouding his thoughts and he knew whatever it is that he said, would only prolong this debate about the girl he loved, being a gold digger. Seonghwa could only wish she knew how much Yunhee had pushed him away. Having to have their friend knocking her back to her sense and only then would she surrendered to what she was feeling. And to think she was aiming for his money was ridiculous.

"Mom, do you love Dad?" he decided to ask, knowing that would halt her. Mrs. Park knew what she should answer with. She knew she couldn't lie about it because that wasn't the first time her son had asked her that question. He used to ask that every single time he had the chance because he almost never saw them together. But right then, if she was to answer that she does, Seonghwa would for sure turn it back. But there was no point to deceive.

"Y..yes," she hesitated, "but this isn't about me."

"It's not," he answered back, "it's not about you but imagine it. Put yourself in my shoes."

Mrs. Park crossed her arms, eyes darting everywhere but her son. "For once, please imagine how it feels like to be me. How it feels like to have nothing to fight for myself. I don't know how many times I should repeat this for the both of you to understand, but all my life, the battle I've gone through are all for you and Dad. Nothing made me happy, nothing made me satisfied. But that was until she came."

"Seonghwa, you're blinded-."

"She came and for once, I finally felt happy. I finally felt like I'm satisfied because I could be with her despite all the imperfections our relationship possessed," he continued, cutting of his mother, "but you and Dad had to get in between that. So imagine it, what if someone were to put themselves between you and Dad, how would that feel?"

"We only want what's best for you, you know that."

"What's best for me is for you to let me be in this relationship."

"Seonghwa, look-."

"Mom, we keep going in circles, you know that right?" his tone softened and it screams how exhausted he was of all these, "for the least, you and dad could be the one that pull all of us out of this whirlpool. I've given up a lot of things for you, please let this be the one thing you owe me for."


The sound of bell ringing filled the house, and the man was greeted by the younger of the two sisters. "Hey," the lass greeted, moving aside slightly to allow the latter to walk inside their apartment and closing the wooden door after.

"You know where to find her right?" she queried the man as soon as they walked through the living room. He gave her a weak smile and nodded but before he continued walking to the small hallway of their bedroom, he turned around to face the younger.

"Ji, how's your hand?" he asked.

Jiwon brought her hand up, the one wrapped with white bandages. "I don't know what it's called but I don't have to wear that sling thing that they told me to use and the pain's not as bad anymore."

"Glad to hear that," he replied, "I'm sure it's going to heal faster from here onwards."

"I sure hope so," she sassed, "typing with one hand is a bitch." Seonghwa let out a small chuckle before he turned back around to walk to where Yunhee was at.

He knocked once and that was all he needed to be allowed in. The room was barely lit, only the nightlamp was on and he soon realized Eunbyul was asleep on the bed, beside her mother who was then still working.

Seonghwa got on his feet and went in further into the room and towards the bed, sitting on the side as soon as he reached it. Yunhee closed the lid of her laptop, putting it on her nightstand as to allowed him more space to sit on.

The man leaned in forward to place a quick peck on her lips before wrapping his arms around her, "hey...," she softly greeted as she wrapped her own pair of arms around his figure, "where were you from?"

The lad didn't say anything, only burying his face deeper into the crook of the neck. "What's wrong?" she questioned and he slowly loosened his arms, freeing the both of them from the hug. Yunhee could see the exhaustion evident in his eyes. His appearance contributed to how worn out he looked as well. Hair slightly messy, glasses shoved into his shirt's pocket and his tie hung loosely around his neck. "Hwa, what's wrong?"

He tugged onto his lips, giving her a reassuring smile before taking her hand into his, "nothing's wrong. Have you eaten?" He tried to avert the topic and she knew better than to push further so she nodded to his question.

"Have you?" and unlike her, he shook his head.

"Do you want me to cook something for you?"

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