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The wrinkled bed sheets underneath him had made it clear how for the last two to three hours, all he's done is toss and turn. A small groan escaped his lips as once again he had to change his position. His brain was addled from exhaustion yet he failed to fall asleep. It stupid to admit but the question popped by his fiancé had seeped into his head more than he thought it would. At first, he didn't think much of it but as the lass looked like she was heavily bothered by it throughout the night, it started messing with his head as well.

Park Seonghwa and Son Eunji both knew how, whatever the circumstances may be, whatever they feel, and even if at one point, either of them happen to fall for someone else, there still wouldn't be a way for them to escape their marriage. Their relationship had always been parable to a contract for their families so there was no way he could ever leave her, especially now that he has nothing to fight for anymore, he might as well surrender to every decision made for him. But even with that knowledge, tonight, his fiancé had still decided to asked what it'll take for him to leave her. To which he could only smile and reply with, "you know I won't."

Seonghwa grabbed his phone from the nightstand, only to find out it was only 15 minutes to 3AM. He could possible cram some work and finish a few paperwork but his mind couldn't possibly focus on one thing right now as his thoughts has been running around. He got out of bed, the coldness of the tile surprising him slightly, before he walked out of his room to grab himself a glass of water from the kitchen.

The light from the city could be seen clearly as he stood by the counter. There was not much left as everyone had probably succumbed to the comforts of their bed with the ability to fall into a slumber. Occasionally there would be sounds of car zooming or honks but for most the time, the lad was left with nothing but silence in the large space. Seonghwa pulled his phone out from the pocket of his hoodie, unlocked it and immediately going to his contact list. He wanted to call someone but as he thought about it, Yeosang was probably sleeping like a baby, San and Wooyoung would probably be too. Mingi and Yunho would most likely be enjoying each other's company after a whole week of busy schedule. His best shot of getting his call picked up happens to be either Jongho or Hongjoong. And after much consideration, he settled for the latter.

His finger scrolled through the list, going over all the alphabets until he reached H. A small woe inundate the male as his eyes land upon a name below his friend's before he quickly tap Hongjoong's name to make the call. The red haired boy was not quick to answer, that only meant he was in his studio, working on some music. Seonghwa felt bad for a second but he just needed to talk to someone, even if he's only able to do that for a mere second.

"Hwa, what's wrong?" the lad asked from the other side as soon as he picked up the call.

"Are you busy?" Hongjoong tear his eyes away from his laptop and leaned back on his chair. He knew when the former was to answer his question with a question, that could only meant something was up.

"Not quiet."

"I missed you that's why I called," Seonghwa did miss his friend a whole lot but the words he just uttered made some of his hair stand.

"That sounds weird coming from you," the latter retorted, "do you have something you want to talk about?"

Seonghwa's words were jumbled in his head for a second. He didn't know how to start asking or whether or not he could just start blabbering. But at the end he chose to ask, "Joong, how many girls have you dated before?"

A small hum can be heard through the line, "give me time until tomorrow and I'll tell you the exact number."

The former shook his head upon hearing his friend's answer. "Forget it, there's probably too many to keep track." His words were replied with a chuckle coming from the other side. "But well, if your girl happens to be insecure out of the blue, what do you think could've caused it?"

"Hmm.. there's a lot of reasons why girls could be insecure. But since I'm assuming this girl that made you ponder over that is named Son Eunji, there must be something that is threatening her and this something must be so significant that it could drive her to feel that way. What else could be the reason?"

"What could've possibly made her feel threatened that I'd leave her? When I thought about it, there really nothing that could've made her feel so.... I don't even know why I'm so bothered by it," Hongjoong brushed through his hair as he started theorizing in his head. The question uttered by his friend had made him recall an earlier phone call he received from none other than Hwang Yunhee, where she practically told him through a silent hysteria how she met Jung Haerim during her hours of work in the grocery store. Given the fact of how Haerim sticks like glue to Eunji, he wanted to draw the conclusion of how the lass may have told her best friend how her fiancé's dearest ex is back in town. But this was not something he could easily tell his own friend.

"Did you ask her?" Was all he managed to say.

"I did but only a dumbass would buy her answer."

"Communication is key in every relationship, Hwa. Even if you're in one where you're forced to be. I could give you theories as to why but that wouldn't fully satisfy you, trust me. Ask her out and talk to her tomorrow," there was a small pause before he continue, "go eat ramen or something and get some rest."

"I should probably do that...," he was referring to both when he responded to his friend's advice. Seonghwa thanked Hongjoong for listening to him rant at 3 in the morning before hanging up the call. He walked towards the cupboard almost immediately after only to find it empty. It really has been awhile since he last made himself instant ramen.

Walking towards the 7/11 below his apartment building seemed too much for the hour but he knew there was nothing else he could do so might as well. And so he grabbed his keys and walked out the door, not knowing what was going to greet him once he hears the bell rings from inside the store.

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