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( 🎵 Adhitia Sofian – Adelaide Sky )

"Hwa, Yunhee won't make it to work today," a peculiar feelings made its way up Seonghwa's stomach upon hearing what the Jiwon said behind the line.

"Why? Is she okay?"

The line went quiet as the younger debated whether or not she should tell him but upon laying her eyes on her boyfriend's expression that screamed, 'if you're not going to tell him, I will," she decided to break the news.

"She fainted. We're at the hospital." The blonde could hear a faint sound of door slamming shut and keys jingling coming from the other side. "I'm sure it's merely over-exhaustion, you can just come after you're done with work."

"Which hospital?" he queried, the words uttered by the girl lost it relevance right then. Once again, his answer came in the form of silence and he once again pressed the question. "Jiwon, which hospital is she at?"

Jongho took it upon himself and snatch his girlfriend's phone from her grip, pressing it onto his ears before answering the older, "Seoul National University Hospital."

Seonghwa knew it could've been no big deal. He knew it could've just been over-exhaustion but even so, he couldn't convince himself out of worrying over the girl. He pushed his keys into the ignition, driving out of the parking lot in a swift second.

The roads weren't as crowded yet but the lad could feel the journey taking forever each time he has to wait for the red light to turn green. His worry didn't cease even when he was already driving inside the hospital's parking lot.

"Hwang Yunhee, brought here this morning," he quickly blurted to the girl sitting by the computer.

The seconds that ticks by as she was typing in her computer was a dreadful wait and as she looked up, she could see the concern edged on every inch of his face. "Third floor, room 320."

Seonghwa made a small run towards the lift and as soon as he reached the stated floor, he caught sight of Jiwon, sitting outside with Jongho by her side, with the sound coming from the lift shifting the two's attention towards him as well.

"Is she awake? Did the doctor say anything? How did this happen?" he was bombarding the two with question, which earned a sigh from both their lips.

"She stayed awake all night doing her work and the next thing I know, she was already laying limp on the floor," Jiwon looked at Seonghwa with a questioning look making him equally bewildered by her action. The latter was about to respond when the younger's voice beat his. "Hwa, just how much work do you give her? Did you not realize how off she's been lately?"

The lass could feel a hand gently grabbing her own, averting her attention away. "Ji, stop it. You can't blame him when you're keeping him in the dark," he whispered.

Jiwon befuddled the man standing before her and it was clear from how his eyes was filled with nothing but confusion, especially when he heard the words coming from her boyfriend. "I didn't.. what are you keeping away from me?" his words were jumbled.

Jongho brought their attention back to ground when he opened up his voice, catching both their heads turning towards him. "How about you both go in and see how she's doing? I'll grab some drinks for us."

Jiwon slide the door open, revealing the still unconscious girl laying on the white sheet with a needle attached on her right hand. Seonghwa could feel his heart cracking upon the sight, was this all really because of the workload he gave her? He should've realized how she's been looking strange these past few days, how she looked fine from the front but as she turned around, it looked like her back was ready to give out. "She's been taking aspirin like her life depends on it every morning for 4 days. Almost no food goes down her system and even carrying Eunbyul to her room made her pant like crazy."

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