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( 🎵 Parachute - Had it All )

Jiwon took a seat in-front of the room her sister was in, the male trailing behind her following suit to her action as he sat down beside her. "You know, Yunhee wanted to live the rest of her life, keeping this all to herself," she turned her head right to face the latter, "she didn't want you to know, ever. But you deserve to know the truth and I always knew there would come a time where one of us would have to tell you, I just didn't picture it to be.. like this. Awkward with a weird timing."

Nothing ever felt worse than questioning yourself of what you ever did wrong and Seonghwa have lived 5 years of his life, trying to figure out if he ever treated her less than how he should. Seonghwa lived 5 years of his life dwelling over one incident that made him question all the things, that threw him in to a different kind of despair. Even when he told himself it's ridiculous to be stuck on one thing after it happened for so long, there was no way he could escape because the wound never seemed to heal for him, it merely becomes bearable. But he didn't know how unprepared he was to get all the answers he wanted.

"I don't even...," he vacillated, not knowing what was going on inside his head, "I've asked myself thousands of times ever since the two of you left, what exactly happened leading up to that night. Or was it exactly like how she said it," A small sigh escaped his lips, "I kept thinking and thinking up until the point where I don't even know what to think anymore."

"Well, everything started with your mom, Hwa," the lass began. Seonghwa was taken aback by the information he abruptly received but remained still and silent, allowing the younger to finish talking. "As far as I know, your mom had called to meet her several times when you two were still together and this started when our dad left."

The blonde paused for a second before heaving out a sign. She didn't think the last part would still taste bitter in her mouth. "She never told me what they talked about but she would always come back with a sullen expression and from that, it was clear to me how they had a discussion about my treatment."

"Your.. treatment?"

Jiwon's eyes were downcast, a sad smile edged on her lips, "it wasn't her kidney that was failing. It was mine," there was a small pause before she continued, "and she only told me this after but your mom was offering to pay all of my hospital bills, even if I have to end up going in for surgery, she'll be the one to pay for that."

"But in return of that, she should leave me for good?" he guessed, to which a nod came as an answer.

"She didn't want to at first. She didn't want to stand that low and since she was graduated, she could take part time jobs, in hopes of being able to earn enough money for both our daily needs and the monthly bill of my dialysis. But at the end, she realized that wasn't going to be enough. Even after I stopped going to school, it wouldn't have been enough."

"Why didn't she just... tell me..?" the lad asked.

"I don't know, Hwa. I honestly don't know, but she was desperate at that moment, especially when I had to go through that transplant. So at the end, she decided to take up the offer," the younger replied, "and I know, you may wonder, why did she have to go as far as making you think she's been unfaithful. But Yunhee knew she wouldn't be able to look into your eyes and do it. She could never watch your heart break into pieces but at the same time, she wanted you to hate her. She thought it'll be easier for you like that."

The male didn't know what to say. He never would've thought his mom made it to one of the main reasons why he was left to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. "Did she think it would be easier as well if she leaves?"

"Yes, but for a fact, your mom suggested a really good hospital in Daegu as well. Everything piled up and she decided she could no longer stay here." It was quiet right after. As everything was clear, the lass gave the older some time to process it all.

Seonghwa didn't know whether or not this was worse than all the speculations he had made inside his head these past years. He didn't know what to feel about everything. But she was, in a way, cornered to leave after one misfortune stack on another and he never got the chance to have her back and for that, he knew the guilt was slowly creeping up.

"Daegu too, at the end became a place filled with grief when Kai died."

"Wait.. what?" the way he was startled had surprised the former as she thought he was already told. Seonghwa was really kept under the dark for a lot of things.

"Kai was the only person who managed to break down Yunhee's wall," she began, "before he came, I could barely see any life left in her eyes but he was able to brought some back but even so, I don't think she ever stopped loving you, Hwa."


"Yeah, you always have a place in her heart. She thought coming back here resurfaced her feelings for you but how can something resurface when it was never placed below ground?" the lass dryly chuckled, "so if you want to make it work this time, even despite all that she said but never mean, don't stop until you could bring her to the altar."

Seonghwa was still in some kind of daze even after the conversation was over. They decided to go back inside as both felt bad for leaving Jongho inside the room alone for so long. Jiwon sat down on the couch beside him and the latter male went back to the bedside seat, taking the still unconscious girl's hand into his.

Yunhee's eyelids felt heavy and to no avail was she able to open them but she was slowly regaining senses on the tip of her fingers as she could feel someone else's hands wrapped around hers. With all her might had she tried to open her eyes and slowly, the blinding light coming from the ceiling welcomed her. She had to squint in order to adjust to how bright I was but the noise of people shifting from beside her brought her attention to the side. And there stood Park Seonghwa with his face painted with nothing but concern.

The overwhelming feeling of the careless mistake she made from earlier yesterday came flooding back to her and as soon as her eyes met his, she couldn't help the tears from coming out. She could see the man panicking upon seeing her tears. "Seonghwa..."

His hand was still gently holding on to hers, "yes, yes, I'm here. Why are you crying? Does something hurt? Should I call for a doctor?"

Yunhee could see the other two people standing behind with an equal amount of worry evident on their faces but her eyes trailed back to the man holding onto her hand. She quickly shook her head, an attempt to tell him nothing was wrong. "Seonghwa, I'm... sorry...."

"What are you sorry for? Baby, don't be sorry. It's okay," he gently reassured.

She knew he had mistakenly thought she was saying sorry for being a bother and she wanted to tell him how she was not able to finish all her work but her mind was not able to configure anything proper.

"No..., I'm sorry... I lost all the files in my computer and.. and I stayed up to finish it but.. I wasn't able to. I don't know when I can finish the papers. I'm sorry, please don't be ma-," she wasn't able finish what she said, he was already softly shushing her.

Seonghwa was once again surprised but he knew that should be the last thing she thinks about right now. "No, no, Yunhee, it's okay, I'm not mad but let's not think about that right now, yeah?" He was able to calm her worries down but that left him to think about how and who had reset her computer completely like that. The man knew his life wasn't a movie but at that moment, it popped up in his head how Son Eunji could've been the one instructing the dirty work.

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