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A/N: A filler chapter just because going right into the wedding would be a bit of a rush.

( 🎵 Kim Bum Soo – I Love You )

( One and a half years later )

365 days felt like a passing breeze, so does the 6 months that came after. The both of them packed their schedule with all the things that needed to be planned. From booking the place all the way to handing out invitations.

Seonghwa, despite growing up in an environment where he was blessed with the fortune of getting everything he wanted, he always loves keeping everything simple. That was why when Yunhee suggested they have their wedding in Jeju, with only their close friends and relatives attending, he didn't want a second longer to agree. But even with their wedding minimalized, there were still a handful of things to think about.

And to say it was exhausting would be an understatement. It was a lot more stressful than what they had expected. They were both overwhelmed to say the least and it didn't help that the lad kept having to worry about the lass. Not wanting her to strain herself mentally for anything to happen. But at one point, his own emotions took a toll and it made them stand on a ledge. What made it worse was how they had a week left before the wedding.

Yunhee forgot when was the last time they ever had a fight. Maybe when they first officially got back together, they had a small argument but when was the last full blown fight that they have? 5 years ago? 6? Or perhaps it was when they had to go through the third month hump. But Seonghwa couldn't have let it go when he found the empty bottle of aspirin inside their now-shared apartment's bathroom drawer.

"You know you could've just... talk to me instead of downing aspirin?" he questioned the girl as he found her sitting on the couch inside the living room.

"Didn't know you could cure headaches," she answered, sarcastically.

"I'm just worried about you," he asserted as he walked closer to her from behind.

"I can take care of myself," Yunhee didn't even know why she felt irritated. She knew his worries came purely out of the love that he has for her but somehow it stirred some kind of emotion from inside her that is not flattering.

"Oh yeah?" he provoked, "the last time you consumed this much, you were rushed to the hospital."

The lass closed her eyes momentarily, and then proceed to pull the lid of her laptop down before setting it aside. "What is it that you want me to tell you?"

"What's wrong with you these past couple of days? Maybe, why you've been so irritated? Why you're shutting me out again?" he pressed onto each words.

"Shutting you out? What are you talking about?" her eyebrows knitted, eyes filled with confusion, looking into his.

"Oh come on," he rolled his eyes, "don't pretend like that's not exactly what you've been doing, again."

"When have I ever shut you out, Hwa?" the lass stood up, leveling herself with him.

"You're seriously asking me that?" everything happened so quickly that they didn't even realize the screams and shouts have started. And it would've continued on longer if it wasn't for Eunbyul crying from inside their bedroom. But somehow they knew what they argue over was stupid as neither could recall what they have said after the high volume died down.

"If you can't handle me being like this then you don't have to marry me," she told him before turning on her heels to go check on her daughter. "No one's forcing you to."

Yunhee could hear footsteps and the front door opening then shutting back close as she neared the door of the bedroom. But she could care less then, her anger still boiling at the pit of her stomach.

She pushed the door open and walked closer to Eunbyul's bed, lifting her up as soon as she was right in front of it. When the cry finally ceased to a stop and the room was quiet once again, that was when it hit her. That was when it hit her that maybe she had undeliberately let out all her frustration to him in a single argument. That beats the purpose of her wanting to keep all that she had in mind, away from him.

Yunhee dragged her feet out of the room and back in to the living area. She plopped herself down on the couch and placed her laptop on her lap. Heaving out a sigh, she turned the device on. But although she had reports to finish, the only thing that circled her mind was the fight she just have with her boyfriend. The more she thought about it, the more she was hugged by the fear that he was really going to leave her. And that was what got to her the most.

No words came out of her mind, her motivation on finishing the paper was long gone. So she heaved out another sigh and once again turn off her laptop. The lass lifted her legs up, burying her face on her knees as she let out a small groan of frustration. Yunhee didn't know for how long did she stay like that, she only knew the clock showed how it was 11:30 PM when she finally lifted her head up.

She only got out of the couch to grab herself a cup of water, before going back to her prior position. The brown-haired girl couldn't stop thinking about how Seonghwa must really have started to rethink his decisions and his feelings. And that alone made her heart ache. The possibility alone made her bury her face deeper into her knees as she tried to stop herself from crying. If Seonghwa decided not to come home that day, it would certainly be her fault.

Time keeps ticking yet there were no signs. She lost count of how frequently she checked on the clock, only for it to keep on going forward. When midnight strike that was when the fear started turning into something more. She was beginning to feel anxious, scared that he was going to leave her just like that, or maybe something bad had happened while he was out.

Yunhee could feel herself shaking and the tears were already flowing but when 3 AM hits, she could finally hear a hint of door opening. She lifted her heads up, her neck feeling slightly sore from the long hours of it being bended like that and only allowed to be straightened when she grab herself the glass of water she had placed on the coffee table.

When the door shut close and she could hear footsteps approaching, the lass immediately got up from the couch, running small towards the person who just came in. He was barely in the living room yet when he lay upon the sight of her with hair messy and clothes wrinkled. Her eyes were still wet and puffy.

"Yunhee, why are you-," he was not able to finish his sentence as she had beat him to it with wrapping her arms around his neck. It made him take a couple steps back from the force but he quickly wrapped his arms back around her as he could feel her shaking slightly.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled against his neck, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," he said, burying his face on her hair, "I'm sorry for making it sound like it was all about you when really it was about me as well."

Yunhee loosened her arms slightly to take a look at his face. She looked at his eyes first, one with dark circles underneath it that she barely realized before this and then continue to observe his whole visage, one filled with exhaustion, the same one as her own.

His hand was one placed on her waist while the other worked its way onto the side of her face, his thumb gently wiping away the stray tears that had leaked. "I'm sorry I made you cry."

"No, I'm sorry," she argued softly, taking his hand which was placed on her cheeks, into her own, "I'm sorry for keeping everything away from you."

He heaved out a sigh, a defeated one. Seonghwa knew she'll continue saying sorry over and over if he didn't stop. "Would you like to tell me what's wrong now?" he asked, with voice so gentle, she wanted to cry even more.

She nodded twice before grabbing his hand from her waist and drag him further inside and down the hallways. Seonghwa pulled off his coat one hand at a time, but instead of hanging it back on the hanger, he threw it somewhere when he passed by the living room.

She dragged him to sit by the edge of their shared bed, hand still connected to each other's. And she could finally tell him what was stressing her out so much these past couple of days.

"I was... worried," she confessed, "I was worried about how everything will turn out as we can't really do much controlling from here, I was worried of what will happen after the wedding, I was worried of whether or not your mom's going to come because I don't want you marrying me to result in her not having the chance to witness her son getting married. I was worried about every little things and it sucks."

His hand worked their way back onto her cheek, lifting her head up slightly for her to look at him. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't want to add on to your stress," she replied, "I know you have more things on your plate, you have a whole company to run and I couldn't have added the weight."

Seonghwa took a deep breath in, inhaling it out again on the next second before pulling her on the hand and wrapping his arms around her. "I know we haven't taken our vows yet but your worries are my worries too, and I would like to be there for you at any situation. So never keep things away from me again, yeah?"

He could feel her nod against his chest before her lips move against the fabric of his shirt. "Do you still want to marry me?"

"Yes, I do. I still do, so much."

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