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We require payments for the shop before we assign a critic (which has their own payments) to your story.

In order to gain a slot in the critic shop, please do follow the proceeding rules:


1. Follow this account (WFederation).

2. Add this book to your library and reading list to remain updated on the activities held within Wordsmith Tavern. Through this, you would be notified if the critique of your story is already posted.

3. Vote every chapter of this book.

4. Add #WFederation on the story you want to be critiqued.


1. Our critics are obliged to follow this format:

Book Cover • Title • Blurb
Prologue • Plot
Writing Style / Narration
Scene Execution/Flow

If you happen to have demands that might not fall under these categories, you can write it in your form.

2. Our overall comment will contain scores varying from numbers 1–10. It will be given by the critic depending on the improvements you need to work on.

3. Your story must have a minimum of five (5) chapters to be accepted in our shop. Prologues, disclaimers, character profiles, etc. are not included in the chapter count.

4. There are special slots allotted for the genres: Erotica and Epistolary but we have the rights to reject depending on the author's attitude. Also for Poetry.

5. Our critics would have a tag team, which means two critics will critique your work so a doubled payment is inevitable once your work is assigned to the tag team.

6. You must take the oath in the form in the following chapter:

I, (state your name), promise to accept the criticism given by the organization's critics and promise not to cause a commotion upon receiving our critique. Once I've filled the form, I accept all terms and conditions set by this shop.

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