twenty three

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JO AWOKE TO the steady sound of JJ's strong heartbeat

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JO AWOKE TO the steady sound of JJ's strong heartbeat. She drew in a deep breath as her eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the bright sunlight reflecting on the water. Despite everything that was happening, a small smile formed on her lips. She had her brother and JJ and Kie and Pope there to support her, so she knew she'd be okay.

The trio had spent the night talking and reminiscing about their favorite memories with Big John after John B held the little makeshift memorial. It was nice to focus on the happy times and talk about things they could do to keep his memory alive.

"Good morning," JJ murmured. His voice was thick and raspy since he had just woken up himself. The blonde instinctively pulled Jo tighter against his chest as he sighed sleepily.

"Good morning," Jo whispered back. She rolled over in his arms so that she was facing JJ and smiled as she took in his disheveled hair and sleepy eyes. He was adorable when he first woke up. He reminded her of a teddy bear.

"Try not to look too in love," John B groaned. "It's too early for this shit."

JJ chuckled and brushed Jo's hair behind her ears. The girl rolled her eyes and pressed her lips against JJ's to spite her brother.

"Goddamn, leave some room for Jesus," he complained as he rolled over to face away from the couple.

Jo and JJ both smiled into the kiss before pulling away. A light blush coated Jo's cheeks as JJ stared at her lustfully.

"Okay, that was hot," JJ whispered.

Jo giggled. The three friends got to their feet and cleaned up the dock from their little camp out. So far they hadn't heard anything about Ward coming after them, which was a relief to Jo. However, she couldn't help but brace herself as she waited for the other shoe to drop. She knew better than to naively believe that he would just let this go.

"Come on, we've gotta go get the rest of that gold," John B said.

"Now?" Jo asked with raised brows.

"Yeah, What about the other half of our squad?" JJ questioned.

"We can't wait," John B said as he hurried to the van. "Ward knows we found it and he's going to be looking."

Jo and JJ didn't reply and instead just followed after John B. JJ rode shotgun with Jo in the back as usual as John B sped through the Cut towards Crain's house. He parked outside the stone wall and the trio quietly jumped into the yard. Jo's breath hitched when she spotted a sign with Ward's last name on it.

"Did he buy the house?" Jo whispered nervously.

"Shit," John B cursed. He shook his head at a wheelbarrow outside of the hatch they had used to get into the well and they quickly ducked under the house. "Hold the rope, I'm going down," John B said.

"Be careful," Jo instructed as she watched her brother tie the rope around himself. He gave her a brief nod as he hopped down into the well. Jo paced nervously as JJ lowered him down. A few minutes later they heard what sounded like an angry yell from John B. When JJ pulled him back up, Jo knew by the look on his face Ward had beat them to it.

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