twenty six

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JO WALKED ALL throughout the night

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

JO WALKED ALL throughout the night. She was exhausted and mentally drained on top of that, but she knew she had to keep going. It would be less likely for anyone to see her if she walked in the dark as opposed to walking in broad daylight. She wanted to put as much distance between her and Figure Eight as she could. They were all rotten snitches there and would do anything for a cash reward. Anyone would regardless, but she still felt safer hiding out in the cut. She also prayed that she might run into a friend. She hated running and hiding out by herself. She felt too vulnerable and had nothing but her thoughts to keep her company, which wasn't very good company.

The tears had long since dried out, but Jo's eyes were still puffy and tear tracks still stained her rosy cheeks. She sniffled every now and then as she walked, trying her best to hold herself together. She was on the very edge of her sanity and on the verge of falling apart. She feared that if she let herself completely unravel, she wouldn't be able to pick up the pieces, much less glue them back together.

Jo's back burned as the hot summer sun beat down on her exposed skin. Her hair stuck to the back of her neck and caused her temperature to rise further as sweat lined her forehead, but still she persisted. She trekked through the woods and stayed as far away from roads or other civilization as she could, terrified of being caught and arrested. At first she hadn't really known where she was going, but apparently her subconscious did.

The brunette stopped and stared at the old shack breathlessly. It was a dilapidated little thing that she and JJ had built when they were ten after deciding they needed a safe place to hide out and escape the sorrows of life. A ghost of a smile landed on her lips as she recalled the things their scheming heads came up with; hiding from pirates and running away to a mysterious new land. Honestly, their predictions weren't that far off.

Jo breathed heavily as she opened the old wooden door. The hinges creaked as they swung and dust met her eyes and nostrils since the place hadn't been inhabited in years, but it still looked exactly the same. There were some canned goods and imperishables stacked in the corners of the shed and an old, dirty blanket covered the floor. Jo chuckled as she stepped inside and sat down to rest her aching and exhausted feet. She sighed in the slightest bit of content and closed her eyes, dreaming of better days.

Her mind idly shifted to John B. Jo wondered where he was and what he was doing. The last she had seen of him was in Kelce's house. She prayed with everything in her that he'd managed to escape. Maybe he was able to meet up with Sarah and devise a plan. She assumed that John B would bring her when they made their great escape, seeing as they were young and in love and her family sort of majorly sucked.

Jo's mind drifted to JJ next. She hoped he was okay and wasn't worrying about her too much. Jo knew that he was fiercely protective and would probably worry himself to death over her. The girl wondered if he'd considered leaving Outer Banks with her or if he planned on staying here. She hoped he'd come. She didn't want to third wheel with John B and Sarah while on the run trying to avoid being arrested. Besides, JJ didn't have much here aside from them. If he managed to steal his father's boat, then the man would be even more pissed at JJ than usual. All the more reason for him to come along.

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