08 | My Job

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Fawnie Shelby awoke to the sound of a gun firing and it did not help her horrendous headache

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Fawnie Shelby awoke to the sound of a gun firing and it did not help her horrendous headache.

The gunshot wasn't too far from her bedroom, Fawn pushed the covers back and switched on her bedside lamp with haste. She was quick to push her wardrobe aside to look out the window, Arthur stood behind his house with a gun in hand.

Her body relaxed as she watched Thomas console their eldest brother. At least it wasn't Italians doing the shooting this time. She sighed softly despite the ache burning in her chest... tears flooded Fawn's eyes as she stared out the window. She began crying silently but upon hearing her door open, she quickly wiped her eyes and forced a smile onto her face.

"You've got work to do, little lady." Her aunt Polly stood in the doorway with a soft expression before closing the door once more. Fawnie exhaled loudly and tried to ignore the pain in her heart at the nickname... it was once used to describe Winifred and Fawnie Shelby, the youngest sisters and the best of friends. Thomas deemed them the 'Little Ladies' due to them constantly hosting tea parties in the parlor...

Only family was allowed... it was a very exclusive event. One that Fawn remembers clearly now, how Winnie would prepare the tea and how Fawn would go and beg baker Donald for some biscuits if Pol hadn't made any. Fawn's last tea party was one for the books... the one where Sylvia Taylor was the guest of honor and Tom actually showed up for the first time in years.

If only Fawn could turn back the clock...


Fawnie sat in the place she had a love/hate relationship with... John's office. She was counting out the money that Finn dropped at the corner of the desk that morning. Fawn looked between the book and the code often so she wouldn't make a mess of the books. 

Heels alerted Fawnie of a new presence, her head snapped up as Linda Shelby walked into the Den. Fawn set the pencil in hand down and stood up, walking to the doorway of the office to hear what Linda had to say. "I said to Arthur while I'm stuck in this fucking place," The woman that Fawn had a strained relationship with pulled her glove off each finger slowly, "I want something to keep my mind busy."

The young woman turned her gaze to her aunt's face, Polly snorted at Linda's statement, "What? You're going to take bets?"

Linda gave Polly an unamused look and shrugged, "I have always been able to do addition and subtraction without pen and paper. But I'll need a telephone. Apparently we have special clients who take bets by telephone." Fawn didn't want to be rude but what Linda described was Fawn's job. She didn't take bets by the phone often... but Fawn prided herself in her mathematical abilities. She is the only Shelby to have finished school anyway.

"Linda? This is a betting shop. And that's Fawnie's job," Polly stated.

The blonde set her purse down sternly, "Look. Arthur said yes. Tommy said yes." Fawnie met Polly's eyes and the older woman nodded, Fawn gave Pol a small smile in thanks.

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