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This is Part Two of the School Life Arc. Once again, I'm taking requests for stories, so feel free to ask for something to be written- I will do my best to fulfill your requests. (Hey! That kind of rhymes... LOL)

Here are the ages of the Seven and their grades, as requested from a reader:

Percy & Annabeth- Seventeen, Eighteen; Seniors

Piper, Jason & Leo- Sixteen, Seventeen, Sixteen; Juniors

Frank- Sixteen, Junior

Hazel- Fourteen, Freshman

Just to clarify things, yes, Frank is in the same grade as the TLH trio because they are all the same age. For some reason, most people think that Piper, Jason and Leo are all older than Frank. Well, they are, technically, but... eh


Frank looks upwards, staring morosely at the ceiling. From beside him, Leo taps impatiently on the desk with a pencil, his feet stomping softly on the ground with the rhythm:


"Will you stop?" he snaps quietly, careful not to attract the ire of the teacher. "It's really irritating, listening to you."

"Sorry," Leo mutters quietly, and retracts his pencil into the desk. For a second, Frank feels ashamed- it wasn't Leo's fault he had ADHD, or that he acted like a toddler on sugar high all the time. But then he remembers that this is the guy who tried to woo away his girlfriend, and immediately all the guilt vanishes.

"Jeez, just keep it down," he grumbles, and rolls his eyes. "I can't concentrate with you making a racket."

"Boys, is everything alright over there?" Mrs. Conn calls over from the front of the room, looking up from the last pile of Math tests. "I thought I heard talking... remember, this is an individual project, not a partner one."

"Sorry Ma'am," Leo says, imitating a smooth Southern drawl probably learned from all his years of living in the deserts of Texas. "I was just borrowing an eraser from Frank here. It won't happen again."

"Well, see to it that it doesn't," Mrs. Conn says, before returning to her grading. Her brown ponytail shifts with her head movements, and for a moment Frank can imagine that it's Hazel in her place, hunched over homework and looking absolutely adorable.

And then he blinks, and the moment is over.

"Hey, Frank, buddy, are you checking out the teacher?" the boy behind him whispers to him. "Don't you already have a super cute freshman girlfriend? And isn't she a bit too old for you?"

Frank stares incredulously at the boy- Rob, or Robert, he can't remember. "I wasn't checking her out," he mutters back defensively, careful to keep his voice low. "Isn't she married, already?"

"Yeah, but some guys dig that kind of stuff," shrugs Rob[ert]. "Well, if you're not, good for you, then." He doodles something on the worksheet, clearly not willing to talk to someone so low on the social spectrum for more time than necessary. 

Frank gapes, his jaw hanging precariously over the ground, with one thought lingering on his mind: what just happened?

"Hey," Hazel calls, rounding the corner of the hallway just as he slams the door of his locker shut. "Frank, I couldn't find you earlier during the break. Where  were you?"

"Sorry about that," he says, and gives her a small peck on the forehead. She blushes, the redness distinctly obvious even on her dark skin. He can feel his own face heat up, as well. "The teacher told me to stay in during break time, because I was, well, uh... spacing out... in her class. "

"What happened?" she asks, ever the concerned girlfriend. "Are you receiving enough sleep? Nobody hurt you, did they?"

He clears his throat awkwardly, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "No, nothing like that... well, uh... Iwasthinkingofyou." He says the last sentence so fast his tongue doesn't get the chance to catch up, and it comes out sounding more like a jumbled: "Iwusinkyohyuu."

She stares at him, large golden eyes visible against a backdrop of long brown lashes, a film of tears coating the surface of the pupil. "Come again? I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

Frank bites his lip. "I was thinking of you," he says, slower, and his face is so warm that he's sure it must look like Jeice from Dragon Ball Z. 

"Oh," says Hazel, her voice rather high-pitched, and reddens even more. "Oh."

"Yeah..." Frank trails off awkwardly, and wonders if he's made the right choice in telling her. But of course, he has full faith in the girl he fell in love with so many years ago, and he forcibly removes the traitorous thought from his mind.

"...I was thinking of you, too," Hazel admits, looking downwards. Her voice is so soft he has to strain his ears to catch it, and even then he's not sure he's heard right. "This new world is so strange, I feel like the only constant I have is you. Everyone else, all my friends, even my brother... they change so quickly."

Before he himself can realize his own actions, he has already slipped two hands around her waist into a hug.

"I'm sorry I doubted you before," Frank says, referring to that fight in the house so long ago. It feels like eternity, but in reality it has only been months, agonizing days of being cut off the outside world and confined inside the school and the mansion, unable to leave for more than a few hours at a time. "I love you a lot."

"Me too," Hazel says, her voice muffled by his body.

"We get you two love each other very, very much, but could you please do it somewhere private? You're blocking the way," a voice interrupts, and immediately the two of them separate, their faces resembling overripe tomatoes. In front of them, E-something- Leo's ex-girlfriend, Frank recognizes, from one of the previous chapters in the Leo the Boss trilogy (he can't remember which one)- stands, hands on her hip and looking rather irritated.

"O-of course," Hazel stutters, as the older girl brushes silently past her, and pulls down on her shirt nervously. "I'll see you at lunch, Frank?"

"Yes," he says, and waves dazedly at her retreating figure.


Ah, young love. I just absolutely love love love this couple- they're so sweet and innocent, it's really refreshing for a change. ^^ (Of course, Percabeth is still my OTP, but this one cuts a close second,)

Thanks to DustDance for the prompt~!

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