Bᴏᴏᴋs, ʙᴏᴏᴋs, ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋs

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Day three - Wednesday

Iris woke early the next morning and indulged herself in an old-fashioned lay-in. When she could remain in bed no longer, she reluctantly threw the covers aside and climbed out of the bed. A quick shower ensured she became fully awake and she walked back into the bedroom, rubbing a towel over her hair. Maybe she should drop the glamour that hid its new length? It could always be explained away with a spell or potion. Putting the notion aside for later, she ambled over to the large wardrobe filling most of one of the walls.

Stopping in front of it, Iris pulled the doors open and took out a fresh set of underwear and bras. It had been bloody embarrassing looking over the Seven Sin's selection of underwear, trying to find something that wasn't made of leather and wasn't shaped as a thong and would actually cover her breasts. Draco had drooled over some of the items and had tried to talk Iris into buying them; causing Iris to turn several shades of red by the time they were finished. Fortunately, Lucius had been there and had put a stop to his son's shenanigans, keeping a businesslike attitude the entire time.

Slipping the underwear over her hips and putting on her bra, Iris considered her vast collection of shirts. Lucius really had gone overboard there and she reminded herself to talk to the blond and make sure she paid back the money Mr. Malfoy had spent on her.

Hesitating briefly, Iris pulled out the leather trousers done in blood red and pulled them on. They were a bit stiff but fit nicely just as the pair she'd tried out in Sean's fitting room had. Adding a deep black silk shirt and the vest made in the same color as the trousers, Iris looked herself over in the full-length mirror. Not bad, not bad at all. Settling on the bed, she pulled on her boots, opting to tuck the trousers inside the bootlegs. Standing up she frowned when she caught sight of her reflection. The black boots didn't fit at all. She wasn't sure what was wrong with them, but they somehow ruined the ensemble. Shrugging, she turned them the same color as the trousers, much better. Nodding in satisfaction, Iris left the bedroom to find some breakfast.

She found Draco sitting at the table, sketching once more. Iris raised an eyebrow. It clearly was more than a way to pass time. You didn't work so diligently at something unless you had a real interest. I wonder if he'll show me what he's sketching if I asked?

Not feeling secure enough with their tentative friendship to be nosy, Iris decided to ask some other time, setting for a soft, "Good morning Draco."

Draco looked up startled; he hadn't heard her enter the room. Then his eyes widened and he grinned. "Looking good there Iris. Those clothes suit you," he said getting up from his chair to slowly, almost predatory, walk around his mate to fully take in how she looked.

Iris squirmed uncomfortably and in an attempt to turn the attention away from herself said, "You're not so bad looking yourself." And indeed the Veela looked very handsome dressed in black leather and a pale green shirt. Silk, of course.

"Why thank you, kind lady," Draco replied with a small bow. He straightened and was about to say something more when there was a pecking sound on the window. Opening it an owl flew inside settling on Iris's shoulder, holding out its leg and the scroll tied to it.

"Thank you," Iris said untying the letter and opened it.

Dear Sweetie,

In the bag, you will find the transporter for the crate with your books.
Having done a quick inventory, the rest of my stock amounts to 483 Galleons and 11 Sickles, if you are still interested in them that is.

While I was packing, I remembered that my great-grandfather gathered several trunks worth of books and stuff that he for some reason never bothered to include into the shop's inventory. If you are interested, you may buy them, unseen, for 15 Galleons apiece. I do not know precisely what they contain, but I do know that my great-grandfather had a nose for finding valuable and unusual things. Please let me know if you are interested.

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