Dᴜᴍʙʟᴇᴅᴏʀᴇ's Uᴛᴏᴘɪᴀ

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Friday, September 20

Rubeus Hagrid was in heaven. Inside the enclosure that had housed Beauxbatons' winged horses a few years back were eight dragons.

Eight. Dragons.

They might not be of a species that Hagrid recognized, but that was of little consequence for the half-giant. What was important was that he had been entrusted with the care of eight, small, cute-as-a-button dragons, and Hagrid had every intention of doing just that to the best of his abilities.

Giving the creatures one last look, Hagrid headed for home. He was sure he had a soft brush tucked away somewhere that would be perfect for grooming the dragons. All animals liked to be groomed, and it would give Hagrid the perfect opportunity to get to know them better.

Oh, he knew they weren't really dragons, that they were people who had been spelled. But at the moment they looked and acted like dragons, and Hagrid was determined to enjoy every last second he had with his new charges. He would grieve after the enchantments had been broken.

~ ϟ ~

Albus Dumbledore had never in his life been so furious. Someone had dared to curse him. Him. How dare they? Didn't the culprit realize just who he was? He was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. The leader of the Light, Head Mugwump and Chief Warlock!

He alone held the future of the wizarding world in his hands. He alone had the knowledge, not to mention the wisdom, to see what needed to be done to ensure their survival. Tom Riddle was a threat to their world. He needed to be dealt with, there was no doubt about that. But getting rid of Riddle wasn't the end.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Albus had come to realize that his sweet friend Gellert had been right all those years ago. The wizarding world needed to change. It needed to conform to what was the Greater Good, although, that greater good did not consist of what Gellert had dreamed of once upon a time.

No, Albus had spent a lot of time pondering what needed to change, and finally he had found a workable plan to ensure that the changes needed took place, and with as little blood spill as possible.

All that was needed was a hero. Albus should have realized that a long time ago, but he had been so heartbroken and tired after he'd defeated Grindelwald that he hadn't understood just how much power he'd had at the tip of his fingers. All he'd needed to do was ask, and it would have been given to him.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late. He still had time to implement his plans for the bright new future he and Gellert had dreamed of in their youth. All thanks to Iris Potter, the Girl Who Lived.

Albus might still be hailed as the unofficial leader of the Wizarding world, but he was an established icon, one the people was used to and, sadly, no longer paid as much attention as they should, which the past, turbulent, few years had proven.

But there was still Iris. Sweet, young, blessedly naive Iris Potter, the darling of the Wizarding world. True, Fudge had done an admirable job of smearing Iris's good name, but the lass had rallied and forced Cornelius to eat his own words, causing the idiotic man's reputation to take a severe beating. Couldn't have happened a more deserving man. Albus secretly couldn't stand the fool, and always took great pleasure in leading him around the nose.

Albus lost himself in his memories for a moment, but was rudely jolted out of them when some of the other dragons clamored around Hagrid in an attempt to gain his attention.

Snorting in annoyance, the Headmaster of Hogwarts returned to his thoughts. The key to everything was Iris.

Once Iris had defeated Voldemort the people of the wizarding world would all but worship the girl in their gratitude that the threat to their world was over. And it was then they would strike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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