Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇs Iɴ Mᴀɴʏ Fᴏʀᴍs

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Wednesday, September 18

Lucius sat at the Head Table, sipping on a cup of tea. It was a pain having to sit in the Great Hall when fasting, but he had promised the teens he'd be here. Besides, there was no way he was allowing Severus to suffer alone, so he gritted his teeth and endured. After all, he had a lot of experience when it came to enduring. Biting back a sigh, Lucius sipped some more tea. How he hated to endure; that was not living, that was existing.

Then McGonagall picked up her knife and clanged it against her goblet. Immediately, the noise level in the hall died down as the students turned their attention from filling their stomachs to finding out what was going on.

Slowly, McGonagall climbed to her feet, ignoring the hiss coming from the Headmaster. "May I have your attention, please? Thank you," she began, although she already had everyone's eyes trained on her. Looking out over the sea of faces, the stern professor couldn't help but smile slightly. She couldn't wait to see the students' reactions to her news.

"The other day, a student came to me and asked me about some extra credit work they wanted to do. They had found an old book containing a rather exciting concept, and after careful consideration, I wish for the entire school to partake in an experiment. Which means there has been a slight change in plans. Beginning on Monday, instead of the scheduled lesson, each of you will be given a rock crystal, which you then will be transfiguring into a pet. We will continue with this until every student has a pet of their choice. However, I still expect you to turn in the homework I have already assigned you. This will not be used as an excuse for not doing it," Minerva said, looking around the room sternly, hiding a smile at the groans from her fifth, sixth and seventh years. Yes, she did know her students all too well.

Clearing her throat to regain the students' attention, McGonagall forged on with her speech. "According to the author of the book this experiment is based upon, it is quite possible to bring a transfigured animal to life if it is given enough love and attention. By the end of the school year, we will examine your transformed pets and see if there is any merit to this claim."

Suddenly, a scroll appeared next to every plate in the hall, and Minerva picked up her own copy. "This scroll contains the different animals you may choose from. I suggest you read it through thoroughly, and consider carefully what type of animal you wish to create. I also recommend that you find out all there is to know about your chosen creature, taking careful note of coloration and such. This is not the time to be fanciful, so I strongly recommend against acquiring a pink bunny, or an orange gerbil. If you are interested in an animal not mentioned on the scroll, please come and speak to me in private. Also, your choice has to be cleared by me before you are allowed to even attempt to transfigure the pet you want. Feel free to come and discuss your wishes with me at any time.

"Remember, if you wish for this experiment to succeed, you will be spending a lot of time with your pet, bringing it with you just about everywhere, even to most classes. I strongly suggest you pick something you can live with," McGonagall stated. Giving the student body one last stern look, she sat back down, resuming her focus on her breakfast. A quick heating charm had her tea steaming once more and she took an appreciative sip, reaching for a piece of toast.

At first, the students just sat there and stared at her. Then they dived for the scrolls. Soon the room was filled with their excited chatter and exclamations.

At the Head Table, the atmosphere was grimmer.

"Minerva! What do you think you are doing!" Albus hissed. He was livid and was working hard on hiding that fact from the students.

"I am conducting an experiment," McGonagall replied calmly.

"An experiment!" Dumbledore said in a strangled voice. "And you did not think it wise to discuss this matter with me beforehand?"

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