Tɪᴍᴇ Fᴏʀ Pᴀʏʙᴀᴄᴋ II

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Monday #2

"Okay, what did you do last night and why didn't you invite me to come along?" Draco grumbled when he heard Iris enter the room, his attention firmly focused on his book. Looking up, he had to bite his lip not to drool. Harry was dressed in dark charcoal colored trousers and vest, setting off the ensemble nicely with a deep yellow, tight, knit turtleneck crop top. His mate looked delicious and his book lost any of its appeal at the comparison.

"Draco? Are you alright?" Iris asked, a bit unsure, worried by the glazed look in the Veela's eyes.

"You are not going out looking like that!" Draco suddenly exploded, coming to his feet.

"Excuse me?" Iris asked, not believing her ears.

"Have you any idea how desirable you look dressed like that? It was bad enough when you were dressed in your black leathers with that green shirt! This is ten times worse and I am not going to have people lusting after my mate!" Draco all but shouted.

Iris took a step back. "Are you alright? Do you want me to get Lucius? You obviously aren't felling well."

"It is you who are oblivious. Don't you know how desirable you are? How attractive and sexy you have become? I won't have others drooling all over you! Change your clothes, or at the very least put a robe on! A loose robe!" Draco ordered, advancing on his mate.

Iris gave the irate Veela an incredulous look before fleeing, slamming the door to her bedroom shut and warding it just to be on the safe side. Grabbing the pendant around her neck, she called, a bit panicky, "Lucius, can you hear me?"

"What's wrong, Iris?" Lucius asked in concern, picking up on Draco's agitation and Iris's panic.

"It's Draco. Something's wrong with him, he's acting all weird. Complaining about my bloody clothes and not making one lick of sense. Can you come over?"

"I'm on my way," Lucius promised with a soft chuckle. Evidently Draco's Veela side was making a stand. He had been expecting it, but still...

Hurrying down the few yards separating their rooms, Lucius entered the mates suite, only to encounter an angry Draco shouting through a closed door. It seemed Iris had been wise enough not to stay in the living room and had locked herself away.

"Dragon?" Lucius asked, doing his best to hide his amusement. It wouldn't do to have his son angry at him as well.

"Father! Thank Circe you are here! Maybe you can talk some sense into Iris. I simply cannot allow her to go out dressed like that! Tell him!"

"Calm down, my little Dragon," Lucius soothed, wrapping his arms around his agitated son.

When he was sure Draco had control of himself, he stepped up to the brunet's door and knocked. "Iris? It is safe to come out now," he called, hoping the girl could hear him through the massive wood.

The door cracked open and Iris peeked outside. Seeing the older Malfoy, she opened the door more fully and waited, prepared to slam the door closed a second time if needed.

Lucius swallowed; the girl was exquisite, even more so since she hadn't noticed it herself. "Iris, for the peace of mind of my son, could you put your school robe on?"

Iris shrugged, but did as asked. Re-entering the living room, she skirted around Draco and settled on the edge of a chair, prepared to flee if necessary. She never noticed when Draco shot an enlargement spell at her robe.

"What was that all about?" Iris demanded, still eyeing Draco carefully.

"That was a fit of a jealous Veela. I have to agree with him though, you look very good dressed like that, Iris; you will have half the school wanting to get into your knickers. Those colors really suit you."

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