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"You never told us why you wanted those blasted Muggle papers," Severus said sometime later, when peace and tranquility had been restored to his rooms.

"Oh yeah. I'd forgotten all about them," Iris said, looking up from where she was snuggled into Draco's shoulder.

Calling the stack of newspapers to him, Severus placed them on the sofa table, a look of distaste on his face. "Well?" he demanded when the explanation wasn't forthcoming quickly enough for his taste.

Iris ducked her head, a sure sign the others had learned that she was uncomfortable or unsure of how her ideas would be accepted. "I wanted to look at the real estate ads. I want to buy a few farms, preferably rundown places no one is interested in. I was going to do this anyway after I graduated. Then we found those seeds. They need to be planted as soon as possible to ensure no more are lost to time."

"Why Muggle farms?" Draco wanted to know. Lucius nodded his head; he too wanted to know the answer to that question.

"Because A, I have no idea how to get hold of a magical farm, and B, this way it can be made Unplottable and no one will know of it. Ergo, no one can sneak in and try and steal what's grown."

"Good thinking, Iris, five points to Slytherin." Severus smirked, earning himself a mock glare from the brunet.

"You said you were going to do this after graduation, but you didn't find out about the seeds until a few days ago. What were you going to use the farms for?" Draco asked, reaching out to pick up one of the newspapers, wrinkling his nose at the thin, strange, cheap paper they were printed on.

Iris's head went down even further. "I was going to organize a group of skilled Herbology experts. I want to send them to the Rainforest and gather what plants they could find. Muggle scientists have found that several of the plants growing down there can be used in Muggle medicine. I got to wondering one day what a skilled Potions Master could do with such plants. Not much study has been done on that, as far as I can tell.

"I also wanted to start up a few places where these plants could be grown and maybe improved. I figured I'd need a few places that were, preferably, a bit isolated. Then I could put up Muggle Repellent Charms and such. I was kind of hoping that a few magical animals could find sanctuary on those farms as well," Iris admitted, waiting for the laughter she knew was sure to come.

It never did.

Severus, Lucius, and Draco shared a look. "I think that is a wonderful idea! It is a pity really that no one has thought of that before. If Muggles have use for those plants, I bet you a thousand Galleons that Severus will be able to use them as well. And do a much better job than those scientists ever could!"

Iris couldn't help but chuckle. Draco was such a snob sometimes! Then again, who wouldn't be, having never lived in the Muggle world and not able to understand it?

"Thank you, Draco, for that ringing endorsement. You are, however, quite correct. If Muggle scientists can use those plants, I should be able to do so as well," Severus mused, settling back more comfortably in his chair, considering this new, exciting prospect. "I wonder why no one has considered the Rainforest before? Come to think of it, Longbottom mentioned a few experiments with plants I did not recognize. I wonder..."

"Longbottom, you say? Would that be Reginald Longbottom?" Salazar asked with interest. "He was one of my most brilliant students. He had an almost instinctual understanding of the use of plants in potions. Not as skilled when it came to using animal parts though, for some strange reason, he never quite grasped that aspect of brewing."

"Can you blame him? He was terrified of animals, the poor dear. Alive or dead, it didn't matter, he was just as terrified of them. He couldn't even stand owls, the poor thing. But he was a genius when it came to growing plants. He was one of the most brilliant students I've ever had as well," Helga put in, joining the conversation. "As for why no one's been interested in the Rainforest... In our days, it was guarded jealously by a group of strong wizards who attacked anyone as much as passing by their territory. Few dared to venture down there, and those who did were more interested in rare magical beasts than the fragile plant life."

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