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Tuesday Sep 17

Draco woke up first the next morning, and he enjoyed the feeling of Iris sleeping so trustingly in his arms. Taking a deep breath, he enjoyed the aroma that filled his nostrils, that enticing smell that spelled 'mate' to him. Shifting his position slightly, Draco moved until he was able to bury his face in Iris's neck, the better position to breathe her in. He was also able to see the mark he had left there the previous day, and Draco felt rather smug about that mark.

However, it also told him that whatever happened in their dream world would carry over to the real world, which meant that he would have to be more careful from now on. It wouldn't do to scare Iris like he did yesterday. His mate might be able to forgive him once, but Draco didn't think Iris would be so forgiving a second time. Then again, there might not actually be a second time, unless Iris felt like experimenting with Dreamless Sleep potions.

"I can feel your brain working, you know. What are you thinking about, love?" Iris asked, stretching her body much as a cat does. Or rather, she would have if it were not for Draco being draped all over her.

"Good morning to you too, beautiful. I was thinking of our dream yesterday," Draco replied, kissing Iris's neck, hitting his love bite kind of sort of accidentally on purpose.

Iris snickered. "I bet you did. Was wonderful though, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was," Draco said somewhat wistfully. "Do you think you'll feel like drinking some Dreamless Sleep again sometime soon?" Draco asked hopefully, gauging Iris's reactions carefully.

Iris stilled as she thought the proposal over carefully, then she rolled over, dislodging the blond from her back. "Do I really need to drink some potion down first, Draco?" she asked solemnly, looking intently into silvery eyes.

Draco blinked, and then he broke into a beaming smile. "You mean that?"

Iris smiled tenderly. "Yes, I do. But nothing heavy, just..."

"Just kissing and stuff. Believe me, Iris, I understand. I can wait. Besides, what we did yesterday was hotter than anything I have ever experienced before, so it isn't exactly as if I'd mind taking it slow," Draco admitted with a soft snort.

"Then come here," Iris murmured, wrapping her arms around Draco's neck and pulling him close.

"Wait!" Draco said urgently and fished around for his wand. Finding it, he swiftly cast a couple of mouth refreshers before eagerly bending down for that kiss.

Iris moaned with pleasure, certain that she would never tire of Draco's kisses. They made her blood sing, and she arched up in an attempt to get her body closer. Draco was only too happy to comply, and the two mates spent several minutes happily kissing and running their fingers through silky soft hair.

Then Draco remembered, and he gently disentangled himself from Iris's firm grasp. "Wait, love, I have something for you," he panted once he could speak again. A determined Iris was indeed a force to be reckoned with.

When Draco's words penetrated the lust-filled fog, Iris's eyes widened in surprise. "A gift? But I don't have anything to give you," she complained sorrowfully.

"You have already given me the most wonderful and precious gift in the world, beautiful, your love."

Iris couldn't help but blush at the heat in Draco's eyes. There was no doubt that the boy had meant every word he'd said.

"Wait here, I'll be right back," Draco promised, bounding out of the bed. Looking around the room, it didn't take the blond long to find his robe, and he hurried over to it and began searching the pockets. With a crow of delight, he carefully extracted the item he had been looking for. "Close those gorgeous eyes of yours, Iris," he ordered, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Iris couldn't see what he was doing.

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