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"Father! You're back! What did he say?" Draco cried, practically ambushing his father the moment he walked through the door to the Potions Master's private rooms.

"He agreed, as long as a Hogwarts' professor accompanies us, for added security," Lucius replied, sending his mate a mischievous glance.

Severus merely snorted and rolled his eyes. He was fully aware to whom that 'honor' would be granted.

"Yay! You'll come with us, won't you, Severus?" Draco asked eagerly, rushing over to his godfather and giving him a bear hug.

"Ooof! Draconus Malfoy! You are no longer five years old. Unhand me this instance!"

Draco didn't feel the least repentant, and just squeezed harder for a moment before stepping back, not bothering to wipe his grin from his face. He just looked hopefully up at the man who was the second most important adult in his life.

Iris didn't dare to show her eagerness in such a blatant manner, but she looked up at the man whom she had come to respect more and more these past two weeks, unintentionally sending the Potions Master a puppy dog look.

Severus turned his gaze heavenward, knowing fully well there was no way he could say no to such pleading looks. "As fun as it would have been to foist this duty off on Minerva, I suppose I'd better come with you. This way I can make sure you won't be taken in by some rundown ramshackle or other," he huffed with a long-suffering sigh.

"Your sacrifice is duly noted and will be richly rewarded, my friend," Lucius intoned, unable to resist his urge to tease his friend.

"Sure it will," Severus replied drolly. "Now get out of here, you rascals. Get changed so we can leave. The sooner we get back, the better. Some of us has work to do, you know!"

Draco rolled his eyes, and grabbing hold of Iris's hand, dragged the brunet to the bedroom so they could put on the robes and cloaks a house-elf had brought down earlier.

Lucius stepped up to Severus and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks, Sev. This means a lot to me. And to them."

Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You saw the look the brat sent me. How was I to say no to that? Besides, the fewer who know what we are up to, the better."

"I guess you can't." Lucius chuckled, all too aware of the power behind Iris's pleading looks. It was fortunate indeed the girl had no idea of the impact her eyes held. Once she realized what a powerful weapon she had at her disposal... It was fortunate that he and Severus were to be bonded soon. He had a feeling it would take the two of them to reign the teens in. "Don't worry, my friend, the sun and the fresh air will do wonders for you."

"Don't push your luck, Luce, or I'll persuade Sybill to go with you. I'm sure her 'Inner Eye' will be of good use to you, with her being able to tell you how prosperous each farm is going to be."

Lucius quickly took a step back. Holding his hands up in an 'I yield' manner, he busied himself with putting on his cloak, making sure the heavy folds fell just right with studied nonchalance.

Severus watched him with amusement shining in his eyes. This was his friend of his schooldays. The fun loving young man who didn't hesitate to prank teachers on a dare. Not the cold-hearted bastard he slowly had morphed into once his happiness had been robbed from him and the only light in his bleak existence was his son. It was good to have his old friend back. The gods be willing, he'd soon have much, much more than that.

~ ϟ ~

"So, what did you have to do to get Dumbledore to agree to this outing?" Iris asked, sending the blond aristocrat a shrewd look as they walked outside. Iris paused for a moment at the top of the stairs, tilting her face towards the sun. It was good to be away from the stone walls and to feel the wind on her face again.

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