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Iris felt like the entire school had gone mad, maybe it was affecting the entire world for all she knew. She and Draco had made it to their first class with a few minutes to spare and they had settled at the only chairs left empty, at the front center of the room, causing Draco to lift his eyebrows in surprise; usually either Granger or some eager Ravenclaw took that seat.

Iris had merely shrugged her shoulders and settled before McGonagall could jump down her throat. But during the entire class she had felt the other student's eyes boring into her back, and when the lesson ended she had no idea what the Professor had been lecturing about, her only hope was that Draco had managed better to focus.

Things did no improve once they had left the classroom, on the contrary things only got worse. Students who never used to talk to her, much less give her the time of day, were trying to catch her attention. Robes were left open, and they weren't the only thing left unbuttoned to Iris's chagrin. People constantly tried to touch her, or brush past her. It made navigating the corridors hell, and by the time they made it to their next class, Iris was extremely frazzled, and Draco looked like he was ready to commit murder.

This time, having learned her lesson, Iris settled at the back of the room, as close to the door as she could get. Once the bell rang signalling the end of the lecture, which Iris again hadn't heard a word of; she sprang into action and ran from the room, Draco close on her heels. Dashing down corridors, using every shortcut she knew, Iris managed to get the two of them to the kitchen, and she collapsed at a table for once ignoring Dobby's enthusiastic greetings.

"What has gotten into everyone?" Iris exploded, boring her eyes into Draco's startled ones. "Zacharias Smith kept putting his hand on my shoulder, wanting to talk to me about the D.A. Zach never talks to me outside the meetings, that stuck up prick isn't exactly fond of me, and after all the times he's been talking back to me the feeling is definitely mutual!

"And what was the matter with Susan Bones? According to Ron, she is the most prudish girl in school so how come I could see most of her chest! And what was up with Sally Perks? She kept giving me those weird looks that made her look like a sick cow! And what the hell was wrong with Justin Finch-Fletchley? He kept passing us I don't know how many times in the corridors, behaving in a most peculiar way, flexing his chest and moving his arms about. Was the entire school Confounded when no one was looking?" Iris was almost shouting at the end, and Draco thought he hadn't seen a more beautiful sight, with her hair on end, more than usual, and her green eyes flashing with passion, making Draco wanting nothing more but pull the other youth down onto his lap and devour her, the rest of the school be damned.

Then it sunk in what Iris had said, and the Veela blinked in astonishment. Iris didn't know what was going on? It seemed unbelievable. Almost the entire school was throwing themselves at her, and his mate didn't see what was going on? Relief flooded through him, and Draco was unable to hold back a snicker.

"Don't tell me they got to you too!" Iris cried in alarm and that was it for Draco, who promptly laughed himself silly. He knew it was merely relief of stress from a most strenuous morning, but he was unable to tell his mate that, a mate who grew more and more frantic.

Iris watched with irritation and then growing alarm as Draco, the cool, 'I'm always in control' Draco Malfoy was practically crawling on the floor in hysterics. Was she the only sane person in school today! Not knowing what else to do, Iris grabbed on to her necklace. "Lucius? Are you there?" She asked, hoping desperately that what ever was affecting the school had bypassed the older Malfoy.

"I'm here Iris, what is wrong? And where are you?"

"We are in the kitchen but something is wrong with Draco. He's on the floor, laughing his ass off, should I take him to see Madam Pomfrey? It looks like whatever is affecting the school, has finally caught up with him." Iris replied, eyeing Draco with growing concern.

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