Chapter 3. Daddy!! Mummy!!

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When I say my day was horrible, I wasn't joking. So after Mr Jerk sped away, I went into the shop and saw lots of customers, it would have been easy to ditch but I don't want my cousin to be angry at me, so I stayed. I went into the kitchen, washed my hands, put on my special apron which no-one must use except me, or else, Lord help that person and then put on the disposable cap, picked my pen and paper and got to work.

I collected an order from table 14 and dished it out, went to the table and met with a couple, I then proceeded to drop the order and I was about leaving when I heard my name pronounced wrongly by one person I would never forget their voice. Kelsey.

"Abbey?" I turned around back to the table, I hadn't noticed she was the one, I hadn't even noticed the guy was the idiot from my first year in college.

"Hey, Kelsey, " I faked a smile at her, ignoring Bob sitting in front of her.

"I didnt know you work here, or did daddy go bankrupt?" She said with a sarcastic sad tone.

"Oh no honey, he didn't, in fact he became more successful. You know I'm not some lazy asshole who depends on men. So here I am working so I don't depend on daddy. " I gave a fake smiley face looking contended when she couldn't speak again.

"Oh honey, cat got your tongue? Never mind anyways, c'ya!" Then I waved and cat walked away from the duo.

"What was that you did in table 14?" Mimi, my cousins worker asked me.

"None of your business!" Then I rolled my eyes and got back to work.

After hours of helping I called my cousin.

"Aunt Temi, I'm tired so I'm coming home now, "

"Ok aburo, thanks so much. I'll tell Tobi to come pick you up, "

" No!, I mean, it's fine, I'll just get an uber driver "

"No, besides he's coming to the shop now, he should be there any moment now, " Just then the Jerk himself came in ringing the bell.

"He's here, " I said in a sad tone to her.

"C'mon love, don't be like that, you don't have any reason to not like him. What you did this morning was disappointing,"

"Whatever, bye, "

"Bye. " Then I saw him talking to Mimi. Then he turned to me

"Aunt Temi said I should come pick you up and I want to order, " He said and I just hissed and went to the kitchen. Shortly after his order came in and I dished it and packed it. We went outside to his car together, he was a little behind me.

"I don't know why you hate me, " He said making me stop to look at him and I just hissed. I got into the back seat, his friend was in the front.

"Hey, aren't you the girl that bumped into me yesterday?" Whoa what?, ok I remember bumping into someone yesterday but not the face.

"Maybe, " And I turned to my phone. I kept on wondering what Tobi had said, why do I not like him? Or in his words 'hate' him. I dont even know myself, I just don't like him. You know this feeling where you just don't like someone, well that's what I feel near him. I kept on thinking for reasons why I don't like him, till I slept off.

Tap! Tap! Who's that?

Tap! Tap!

"Get up!" I opened my eyes fast looking at the fellow that disturbed my one second sleep, my eyes were a bit blurry for the fact I just woke up and there's definitely water in my eyes. It was none other than, Mr jerk.

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