Chapter 22.

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Dedicated to PhatymaSalisu ❤❤

Abiola's POV

I sat down on my bed and looked at my closet. I haven't really been myself after Tope told me Tobi was seeing someone else two days ago, even Konyii asked me and I just couldn't look her in the eye and say I wasn't affected, because truth be told, I was highly affected.

I stood up and went to take a shower. I had to get ready to study, I'm not willing to have any mark less than 80% of the question. I checked my phone to see a message from Ayo, he was waiting. I quickly did my makeup and ran to my closet. Opening the two large doors, I entered and picked a black leggings and a black and white crisp cross check knee length top. Putting them on, I picked a black scarf and looked at my self in the mirror, I looked simple yet classy. I tied it lazily on my head and picked my bag and phone and left my room. I went to the kitchen to see my mom cooking.

"Momma bear. How are you?" I said pecking her very soft cheeks.

"I'm fine, you're getting late and you haven't eaten. You've been locking yourself up in that room." She looked at me as her hand hung in air, with the seasoning she was putting in the sauce.

"I'm fine, I'll get something in the cafe." I said in hope she'll leave me alone, and she did.

"OK, I don't want to see that stupid result of the last time!" She said giving me a stern look.

You're wondering how she knew, because I wasn't planning on telling her. The fellow I call a best friend had snitched on me.

"Yeah yeah, I won't. I would come back very late oo. Don't stay up." I said picking a sandwich from the fridge.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm late, bye!" I tried escaping but she dragged me back by my scarf.

"Where are you going, that's what I asked." I looked at her in bid to let me go.

"Fine, I'm going to Konyiis house." I said, she finally let me go and I walked out of the house to the garage. I looked at my two cars. And looked at my mom's jeep. I picked her car keys and drove out of the large gates. I'll be done for if she finds out.

Getting to the cafe 10 minutes late, for the first time.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't check the time." I said, panting. I had run a very short distance, just from my car, or rather my mom's car to the cafes door.

"You look like you ran a marathon." Ayo mocked me. I smiled and sat down.

"I sure did. So... What's today's topic?" I asked.

"Women's cycle." He said and I smiled. I loved this part.

We spent one hour talking about it and then he gave me questions. I tried so hard not to let my mind drift away from what I had to write and trust me, it was hard. I kept on rubbing off and rubbing off until I plugged my airpods in, then I was able to concentrate. I realised I didn't have much time, then I quickly started ticking fast. Immediately I was done, time was up and he dragged the paper from my hands.

"Well, I guess I don't have to listen to Konyiis laughter of your failure." He said laughing a bit, I glared at him.

"Must you tell her everything?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"She asks, and I have to tell her. I'll snitch on her, she's your mom's sidekick. She wants her to be getting feedbacks on how you study, she knows you won't show her." He said. Mummy! I rolled my eyes until he finished marking with an impressive nod. "Good job. But, I'll be going on an official trip next tomorrow so we won't have any tutor till I'm back in two weeks time. I hope it isn't too much. No worries though, I'll send some PDF files you'll work on before I come back and I'll check them." He said checking his wrist watch.

"Alright, how many pages?"

"Just 50, not much yeah?" My jaw dropped. 50! And he's saying not much.

"Very much." He looked at me from over his glasses.

"I'll add five more pages, I need to get going. Bye!" He said as he stood up.

"I'm sorry, it's not much at all, in fact very little." I frowned my face.

"That's why I added five more. Bye!" He said as he walked out of the restaurant in a rush. I threw my hands in the air and stomped my foot for like two minutes, before I calmed down. Arranged the shirt I wore and my glasses well and picked my bag. I turned around to leave only to meet with Wale. He had a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Hi, for how long have you been standing there?" I asked embarrassed, my cheeks flush.

"Not too long I guess, but long enough to see you acting like a baby." He said as he chuckled, making his Adam apple move.

"I didn't." I couldn't help but smile.

"Sure, are you in a hurry now?" He asked as he scratched his head.
"Yes, I have to run some errand asap." I said as I remembered, operation kill the gun.

"Oh, how about we go out on Saturday, wanna make up for the last time." He asked again, smiling.

"Sure, Saturday." Even though I'd rather be in my room, getting fatter as the time passes with my junk food and netflix, I couldn't say no to him. Besides Tobi already...... No, not him.

He nodded his head and smiled at me as I did the same and walked out. I got to my mom's car and got in, hearing my phone ring and my mom was the one calling. I just hope she doesn't want to go out.


"Where's my car?!" She attacked immediately. I winced.

"I used it, you can use dad's own or mine or your second one."

"Are you going to tell me which car to use? Is it your money that was used to buy it or my husband's money?" I rolled my eyes.

"Since it's your husband's money, you can use his car, he won't mind." I wanted to hang up already, but I don't have three heads.

"You will come and meet me here, where's your BMW car keys? I can't drive your sports car that's here." I chuckled as I remembered her facial expressions when my dad got it for me. She was so mad, she didn't speak to him for a week. The next week, before she spoke to him, we turned the house upside down, so she would ask for help. And he used the opportunity to talk to her. She was mad because she knows how I love racing, she doesn't want me to summersault.

"It's on my vanity table. Bye, love you!" I said as I hung up.

Gun!! Here I come!!!!!

I increased my speed rate till I was almost in Konyiis house. I parked the car and got out. I went into the house and saw her sitting on the couch, her phone pressed to her ear. I needed no one to tell me who she was talking to.

"I'm home!" I screamed so loud, she fell off the couch.

"You piece of potato sack." She glared at me. Telling Ayo she'll call him back.

"When do we get to work?" I asked.

"Now, no ones home, just me and Nife. Nife!" She screamed the little girls name as the said girl ran down the stairs frowning at why someone would call her name like that. Seeing me her face broke into a large smile.

"Baby!" I said as she hugged my stomach.

"Let's get to work. We have exactly one hour and 25 minutes before he comes back from work."

And we began. Nife turned and turned the lock but it wasn't opening, we tried so many times that we almost gave up. But Nife didn't, she kept on turning it until we heard the two tick sound. We leapt up and saw that it was opened. Just as Konyii held the gun with doubled handkerchief in her hand, the room door swung open.

We turned around and I wanted to shit my pants. We were caught.

Yay!!!! My first cliffhanger. I'm so happy right now.

Who do you guys think opened the door? Whoever gets it right, the next chapter is dedicated to him/ her. 😁😁😁😁

As promised, in three days. But I dropped it in less than three days

Make me smile, please. Vote and comment.❤❤❤

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