Chapter 31.

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Abiola's POV

8 months later

"Ahh!" My step mom shouted, clutching her large stomach. She bent over using the couch as support.

Right now, I had gone home for my weekend visits. I had promised my mom I would only be coming on weekends to spend time with her. A lot had happened in the past eight months. Konyii and Ayo finally got married after so much drama from her dad, her mom threatened to leave with all her kids and Konyii would still get married and there's nothing he would do about it. He hesitantly agreed. Gun long forgotten.

The wedding, which was five months ago, was just amazing, her cousins even her grandma came and she totally ignored the old woman, till her wedding day which she only greeted her and that was all. We also used the opportunity to meet Ayos family, but Tope avoided each and everyone of them.

Now, she's three months pregnant and takes every opportunity given to frustrate Ayo and he doesn't complain at all.

Tobi also accepted our request of letting Tope start school, after so much persuasion. He was always there for me and still is, which I'm grateful for.

"Eish!" My step mom shouted again bringing me out of my trance. I rushed to her. She kept on clutching her belly, I thought it was her normal painful contractions.

"Sit down and rest your back." I told her. Naturally, we don't always talk. I hardly talk to her, not wanting to have that closeness with her.

"I can't!" She snapped.

"I didn't get you pregnant remember?!" I snapped back, but realized I shouldn't so I patted her back and picked up my keys. "Sorry, let's try walking to the car, I can't hold you alone." I supported her shoulders, while she held her back in pain, frowning her face.

We finally got to my car and I opened the door and help her to sit in the back, running back inside to get her baby bags and in the process calling my dad. He picked just when I got to the room meant for the baby.

"Hello Princess?" He said.

"Hello daddy, we're on our way to the hospital, meet us there." I said and hung up, not waiting for a reply. I ran back downstairs to the car. I got in after placing the bags beside her, muttering a sorry.

"Just keep on breathing in and out. In and out, in and out." I kept chanting and she kept doing it till we got to the hospital where I was currently doing my FY1.

I got nurses to help get her to the emergency room. While I waited in the lobby for my dad, no doubt my mom would come with him. My phone rang and I checked the caller id and smiled, it  was Tobi. I picked it immediately and brought the phone to my ears.

"Baby." He said his voice hoarse as if he just woke up

"Love, called you before." I stated twirling the ring he gave me on my finger. His mom's ring. He still hasn't told me the story behind his parents death, but I wasn't in a hurry. Whenever his ready. (weneva yuredi.)

"Sorry, I was sleeping," He yawned and I could imagine him stretching. "Gawd, I'm hungry." He said and I smiled.

"You need me to cook?" I asked still smiling and forgetting my step mom is in there.

"If you could come right now will be fine. Where are you anyways?" He asked and my smile widened but dropped immediately I remember where I was.

"In the hospital, m-" He didn't wait for me to finish my sentence before he attacked me.

"What?! How? When?" I heard shuffling and stifled a laugh.

"Atleast, let me finish my sentence first, it's not me, but Fikayo. I think she's in labor and I so work here." I said, looking over to the room a little frown perched on my face. I had also resulted to calling her by her name, which my dad wasn't so pleased with but didn't say anything about it. Let's not go back to square one.

"Gosh, you scared me there. Should I come over?" He asked, though I was looking for a way to escape from here, I still wanted to see what my younger one would look like. If it was going to be a girl or a boy, since they decided to keep it a secret. Look like me or not, I could bet my whole bank account the baby wouldn't look like me.

"Nah, go get something to eat first. We'll meet later." I suggested. Since we would meet at his place, I might just spend the night over.

"Sure?" He asked and I nodded as if he would see me.

"Yes. I'll come over when everything is alright here."

"Alright then, love you." He said amd I smiled.

"Love your ugly ass too." I hung up before he could reply. I laughed to myself before I stood up to go check on Fikayo. I got into her room and she was lying down on the bed, wires attached to her hands. I sat beside her and rubbed her palms, she seemed like she was in great pain. I kept talking to her, atleast to try and sooth her till my dad comes. I wasn't doing it for her but, for my coming younger one I had learn to accept. Whether I liked it or not, he or she would appear.

I heard something like water dripping and I looked at where it was from she gripped my hands tight and shut her eyes. I realised her water had broke and I quickly stood up to get the Doctor.

They rushed in and I was ordered to go out. For one, I wasn't in my uniform and two, it wasn't yet time for me to come to work, till early the next morning.

Immediately I got outside, my dad and mom made their presence known. I assured my dad that everything would be fine, even my mom did. At this point I was feeling scared for her, I wouldn't lie.

After an hour of parambulating, a doctor came out. Taking off his face mask and gloves.

"Congratulations sir, ma'am." He turned to both of my parents, smiling. "It's a baby girl." I couldn't help but jump in joy. After all my jealousy, I actually felt the feeling of having a younger one. I didn't wait for my parents before I went into the room.

"Congratulations." I smiled a real smile at her for the first time ever. I looked at the baby that was wrapped in a pink shawl. I was scared to actually hold her, not because of her fragile bones, but because of how I've always treated Fikayo. I looked at her, she looked extremely tired but sent a lazy smile my way, which I took as a go ahead. I carried the tiny beauty in my arms and smiled, I finally have a real younger one. My parents finally came in, giving  knowing smiles at me. I turned back to staring at the baby in my arms.

"I'll call her Bella. Just me, no one else." I quickly added making everyone one present to laugh. My mom finally collected Bella from me and smiled, she looked even happier than the real mother herself. Since my mom couldn't give birth after me again, due to complications of my birth, my big head had come earlier than nine months and passed seven months, making it eight months. Complications had followed and she couldn't give birth again.

Finally my dad carried the baby and chuckled when she wrapped her small fingers around his pinky.

"She looks like Abiola." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"True, more than she looks like me." Fikayo laughed and my mom looked over at Bella and nodded her head in agreement.

Finally, she was transferred to another private ward. That was when I left and promised to be back the next morning.

Finally! We are getting there. I can't wait!!💃💃

She finally has a baby sister, after 23 years!😂😂

Let's see what will happen next! Coming up in two days or less, depending on my mood and your comment and votes😌😌

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