Chapter 20.

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This chapter is dedicated to me, myself and I. Happy birthday to me🎊🎊💃💃🎇🎇🎆🎉🎉🎉🎉

Sept 28

Abiola's POV

Immediately I got home at 7pm, I went straight to the bathroom. My parents weren't home, just the maids. I took a shower and prayed, checking my phone, I saw a missed call. It was from Konyii. An hour ago, I called her back immediately.

"Babe!" She said after picking up on the third ring.

"How are you?" I asked exhaustedly.

"I'm good. I didn't know when you became dumb oo." She said with a hint of mockery. I rolled my eyes.

"I was only distracted." I murmured, waiting for her laugh and she did. A mockery and hearty one.

"Who's on your mind that is making you distracted?" She asked, her tone still not leaving the mockery state.

"The new guy I met." I lied smoothly.

"Which guy? When?" She asked, more serious this time.

"I met him at that party I went with Mr and Mrs. He's cute, really cute and I just couldn't get him off my mind for a second." I said. I don't know how this lie was coming out smoothly, because, I had even forgotten I met someone and gave out my number to him.

"Wow, already gotten over him." I could sense the disappointment in her voice. I just had to act like I didn't know what she was saying.

"Over who?"

"Stop acting like you don't know who I'm talking about." I could feel her rolling her eyes.

"I..... It's just....." I trailed off.

"You... It's just...? You don't know what is wrong with you." She sighed. I also did the same.

Honestly, I didn't know what exactly was wrong with me. But if I ever say I don't like him, I should be thrown into a river, given I can't swim. I don't think we'll ever meet again and my ego won't let me just admit it once and get over all these. But I won't ever hear the end of it from Konyii and I won't be surprised if Ayo joined too, with the smug look he gave me today.

"Admit it. And you'll have a happy ever after." She said before she started laughing. "I'm just joking, there's no happy ever after. You guys fight a lot. But you could make it work."

"He's gone." I sighed.

"And you admitted!" I slapped my forehead, I forgot how sneaky Konyii could be.

"No, I'm just say-"

"Fem. You love him."

"Who's talking about love now?" I rolled my eyes.

"You!" I could imaging her dancing already.

"I can see you have nothing important to say, I want to sleep."

"Daddy saw Ayo yesterday." She blurted out. I could feel the uneasiness in her voice. Their dad was something else lately.

"And what happened?"

"First he called me a slut and then he said he doesn't want to see me with him again. I don't know what to do and you know what that old man is capable of doing!" She started sniffing. I could tell how scared she was, honestly, if I was in her shoes, I'd be crying already.

"Calm down, he's not going to do anything. He has nothing against Ayo. Besides, when he meets him in person and talk, he's gonna like him. Don't be scared sugar." I consoled her. She always had this 'I'm not scared of you' look in front of her dad, but inside, she's scared shit less.

ABIOLA Where stories live. Discover now