Chapter 23.

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Dedicated to @itzdebbie_

Konyiis POV

We all turned back and with beating heartbeats, my mom looked at us shocked.

"What are you guys doing here?!" She asked closing the door behind her.

"We were" I looked at Abiola to see that she was also looking at me.

"You came to take your dad's gun?! Don't you know how risky that is?!" She said.

"Mom..." I bursted out crying, my knees becoming weak as I fell on the floor with my knees.

"Shh... It's OK." She came closer and hugged me. "I know you're scared, but you guys should have called me to help!" I looked up at her and she had that mischievous look.

"Wow." Abiola said something for the first time. "I had forgotten just how rebellious Aunty Funmi is." She said coming closer to me and collected the gun from me and tucked it in the back of her jean, making sure it's wrapped well in the handkerchief.

"Now, how do we get rid of that gun?" My mom asked after laughing at what Abi had said. My sister tapped my hand and signalled time. I looked at the time and saw that we had just five minutes left.

"Five minutes!" I said really loud and stood up. We all ran out of my parents room and walked downstairs. Getting outside, my dad was parked and was coming out of his car. We stopped on our tracks.

"Good afternoon sir." Abiola greeted, her voice shaky. She felt very uncomfortable with my dad and also she had the gun.

"Afternoon dear, how are you?" He asked smiling. I acted like he was invisible and looked at the neighbor's dog that was tanning under the sun.

"I'm very fine sir." She replied, her voice more shaky.

"Alright then, enjoy your day." He said as he began walking inside the house. Gave my mom a peck on her lip and my sister a hug and began walking away.

"Alright sir, bye." She said waving at him. Once he was out of sight, she got into her car immediately and sat down. I hugged my mom and sister, before also going into the car.

"Where are we keeping the gun? I'm not keeping it with me, never." Abiola said, still trying to catch her breath.

"Chill, who said we are keeping it with us? But I don't know where to keep it, I can't ask Ayo, he'll ask questions." I said.

"I think I know someone I can keep it with, but I don't trust him just yet." She said pulling out of the driveway.

We drove around to no particular destination, just taking turns after turns. Each in our own worlds. I knew how scared Abiola really was, she drove silent and I decided to trouble her a little to ease the tense and quiet drive.

"So.. Thinking of Tobi again I see." I said and she groaned, I saw her blush.

"Must you always bring up his name? He has moved on girl and.... You know what?" She asked and I knew she was about to change the topic.

"I don't want to know what, were you thinking of him or not?" I smirked at her.

"Fine, maybe I was. But.... I don't want to think of him again, remember Tope said he has a new girl." She said with so much hate and laying emphasis on new girl.

"It doesn't matter, maybe if you weren't acting like the daddy's girl you are we would have been planning some wedding to come." I said and she laughed really loud.

"We would be planning yours very soon, so I see no biggie. The new guy I met invited me for a second date. And honestly I would do anything to forget about Tobi. He has probably forgotten about me." She shrugged and I knew it affected her more than she'll like to admit.

"He hasnt-" I stopped immediately and looked away. I almost slipped.

"Hmm.... Something's fishy." She put two fingers on her chin and glanced at me.

"Where do you think we should put the gun?" I asked to divert the topic on ground. Abiola stiffened just what I  needed.

"I don't know, do you think we should hide it somewhere else?" She asked again.

After pondering for a long time, we finally decided to bury it somewhere at the back of Abiolas house. Since her house is big enough it would be really easy to hide it there.

We got to her house and went to the back of her house where people hardly visit. We entered the small room and pushed open the small lock on the wall which opened the door to a secret hideout Abiola had showed me when I visited once. We kept the gun there making sure to use alcohol to clean it and our fingerprint shouldn't be obvious.

"All done!" Abiola exclaimed and I knew she was really scared.

"Why not have ice cream to calm yourself down?" I suggested as we walked out of the room, not forgetting to lock it.

"I would definitely appreciate. Your treat." She said walking past me.

"Whatever." I muttered and caught up to her.

We went to an ice cream parlor and as we walked in, a guy waved her over and she dragged me along.

"Hey, Wale. Why do we always meet?" She asked smiling and even though a normal person would think she doesn't care, I knew it freaked her out.

"I don't know. But anyways, how are you? Always looking pretty." He smiled at her and she blushed.

"I'm fine and thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." She replied as he ushered us to sit down. "My bad, this is my best friend Konyii." She introduced me and I smiled at him.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady, I'm Wale." He said smiling back. Truth be told, he had a very flirty attitude but then his looks go with it. He's handsome.

"Thanks." I replied looking away.

"We are gonna order something and we'll be back." Abiola said  standing up, I did the same and we bothered walked to the counter.

We ordered our ice creams and walked back to the table. I just wish he would hurry and leave.

My phone beeped and I looked down at it, it was Ayo. I smiled unconsciously and viewed the message. I began replying him. We chatted for sometime before our orders came and we dug into the freshly made ice cream rolls. I looked and saw how he was making Abiola laugh and I knew this was the human she was taking about. Though he was really cute, I felt like she would go more with Tobi than him. Since she already has a light skin, a dark partner would be the perfect combo. But then avian, who am I to choose who she wants or not.

I watched them converse and though I want listening, the question he asked caught my attention.

"What do you say we go out this Saturday?" He asked and she smiled.

"Sure, I won't be busy." He looked satisfied with her answer and I looked away and looked at my phone. Ayo had gone offline and I was bored, he had work to do. I waited a little till he finally left saying a goodbye to me and kiss on Abiolas right hand.

Hey guys!! I'm really sorry but my phone got seized and I'm not sure when I'll be getting it back. I wish I hadn't said see you guys next year😣😣 now I might actually see you guys next year.

But anyways, we might be seeing not too often, since I'm using my mom's phone to type and update, but don't worry, I'll try to update every week for now.

Stay safe out there and love you all always🤗🤗❤❤❤

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